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Cinema 4d Freeze when in node editor

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  • Cinema 4d Freeze when in node editor

    i am having a lot of issues with vray and cinema 4d...
    This one is not new, (i had it in 2021 and you never fixed it....)
    Basically c4d freeze when in the node editor i click on the + button to add a node can see attached...
    in phew words i cannot use node matirial..this happened out of the blue...
    i am using c4d r25, vray 6.2
    cpu amd 59​50x
    windows 10

    p.s. after i close c4d with task maneger (cannot without) c4d is not able to restart....need to restart windows to be able to start c4d
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi marco_zanella

    I can't help with the actual node editor issue, but when I have had to close C4d with Task manager in the past, there is sometimes a cinema 4d process still going, further down the list. Close this and it sometimes saves restarting.

    Hope this helps save a little time before a fix may be implemented


    • #3
      Hi markTAVF thank you for the tip...


      • #4
        Hey marco_zanella, is this freeze reproducible always? Also, can you try renaming / deleting your preferences directory to clear the node material database caches, as we know they sometimes cause such issues.
        Deyan Hadzhiev


        • #5
          Originally posted by deyan.hadzhiev View Post
          Hey marco_zanella, is this freeze reproducible always?


          Also, can you try renaming / deleting your preferences directory to clear the node material database caches, as we know they sometimes cause such issues.
          how can i do it that...i was told before to deleting the cache folder in the prefs folder...i did that but with no result..maybe i am doing it wrong

          Attached Files


          • #6
            You are looking at the correct directory, but instead of "prefs" you need to either delete the "dc" and "description.db" directories, or the whole "Maxon Cinema 4D..." directory. But only deleting the first "dc" and "description.db" should be sufficient, and should preserve the rest of your preferences.
            Deyan Hadzhiev


            • #7
              it if it will repeat the issues i will need just to delete dc and desciption db folders..
              thank you so much.


              • #8
                marco_zanella, can you remember exactly which version of V-Ray for Cinema 4d you had before upgrading to 6.2? This may help us to reproduce this issue and potentially check if we can fix it on our side?
                Deyan Hadzhiev


                • #9
                  i had c4d r23..the issues appeared in 2021 ...then from the vray 5 till 6 no issues in r23.
                  then i had issues with the bump node (all parameters reset to o in the old files) with the 6.1 update in r23.
                  changed in r25 no issues with 6.1
                  6.2 this issue with the freezing,
                  I am having also an issue with vray remembering the History folder path in vfb...i had every time to manually save the path to the folder in all the old projects. (attached)...maybe i have just bad luck with vray eh eh
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    I'm going to jump in here as someone who has experienced many cinema lockups over the years, often with node material previews. I typically deal with hundreds of textures(proxy, instances, xref etc) and I've stressed r23(almost not workable at all), s24(decent), r25(decent but worse than s24), 2023 and 2024(.1 is maybe the worst but haven't tried .2 yet) and the combination of the most currently vray 6.20.01 and Cinema 2023.2.2 is the most stable combo I've run so far. I also have an older 2970wx processor with minimal lockups. Some builds I had to force quit every 30-40min. Not kidding. This is still relatively new to me(and please take with a grain of salt), is that cinema's viewport hasn't been overhauled for a while and since the material node space is relatively new there are theories that viewport-node space interactions cause some issues. I find that having material rendering on during IPR is a big way to avoid lockups. I still have slow or stalled render previews in the Material Manager but no lockups. Coming from the user side, I wouldn't be shy about trying different cinema-vray combos. Remember maxon isn't like autodesk, they make big and ambitious changes to the software that break plugins.

