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Adjusting a Node VRay Material doesn't refresh in the VFB

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  • Adjusting a Node VRay Material doesn't refresh in the VFB

    I have to stop and start the VFB every time I want to see updates I make within the Node Editor (e.g., simple diffuse color changes). With the regular shaders it's instant. Tell me what I am doing wrong, plz

  • #2
    Hi t.j.cianciolo, Do you mind sharing your Cinema 4D and V-Ray versions with us so we can try to reproduce the behavior on our end?
    Daniel Kapsazov |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      macOS 14.5 - C4D 2024.4.1 (Build 2024_4_1_06c50ba2c0c8_1301281096) - V-Ray 6 update 2.3 (v6.20.03 from Jun 26 2024)

      Apologies for not sharing that initially


      • #4
        Hey, t.j.cianciolo ,

        Thank you for the feedback. Could you please check if these options have been changed?


        Attached Files
        Boyan Nalchadjiiski | QA Engineer @ Chaos |


        • #5
          Never touch any of these and it works with the classic shaders as expected.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 7.32.40 AM.png
Views:	170
Size:	16.8 KB
ID:	1212397


          • #6
            Could you also try the following steps:
            1. Locate the Cinema 4D preference folder by opening Cinema 4D and pressing Ctrl + E. You will find it at the bottom (see screenshot).
            2. Open the preference folder.
            3. Close Cinema 4D.
            4. Locate the prefs folder.
            5. Rename it to !prefs
            6. Start Cinema 4D and create a node material.​
            Daniel Kapsazov |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


            • #7
              same results
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 9.12.34 AM.png
Views:	105
Size:	814.4 KB
ID:	1212408


              • #8
                OK. I tried it again without my custom default scene and it seems to work. You would think that it wouldn't load that scene since I'm using the new prefs like you suggested. But now I reenable my old prefs w/o that custom default scene and I have that problem again. It's looking like I going to have to rebuild my preferences again.


                • #9
                  Hi t.j.cianciolo, thanks to your screenshot I believe I can hint why you experience this problem. I'll not dig into details (and we are aware of this problem, but it is not trivial to fix), but it boils down to having the VFB docked in the same panel as your viewport. In other words - in order to avoid problems with the VFB interactive not updating, you must have at least one viewport panel active (by active it is sufficient to be selected and visible).

                  If you don't need the VFB specific controls (layers, history, etc) but only want interactive render, you can try the Viewport Interactive rendering, which does not have this problem. You can read more information about it here.

                  Sorry for the caused inconvenience.
                  Deyan Hadzhiev


                  • #10
                    Confirmed! That's the issue. Thanks Deyan!

