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The mixing of VRay 3s has significant issues

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  • The mixing of VRay 3s has significant issues

    点击图片查看大图  姓名:A.png 浏览次数: 0 大小: 397.0 KB 编号: 1213305 点击图片查看大图  姓名:B.png 浏览次数: 0 大小: 337.3 KB 编号: 1213306 I used a gradient texture and mixed 2 SSS materials. The GPU effect was correct, but the CPU effect was incorrect and did not produce color transitions. I uploaded the problem video and project
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello 123456_ Thank you for reaching out to us! We are aware of this and have logged it into our system [VC4D-1493]

    Once the matter is resolved we will let you know so you can test it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by viktor_angelov View Post
      Hello 123456_ Thank you for reaching out to us! We are aware of this and have logged it into our system [VC4D-1493]

      Once the matter is resolved we will let you know so you can test it.
      It's not just mixed materials that have this problem, for example, I also have this issue with stickers Click image for larger version

Name:	8H)1CS`~5MB2HE3THSO(JC2.png
Views:	110
Size:	488.9 KB
ID:	1213346


      • #4
        I don't seem to be able to reproduce the same thing with the Decal. Could you please share the scene so I can take a look?

        See my results here:


        • #5
          Originally posted by viktor_angelov View Post
          I don't seem to be able to reproduce the same thing with the Decal. Could you please share the scene so I can take a look?

          See my results here:
          I uploaded a simple project, and you can see that there are no transition issues when rendering it
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Hello 123456_ Thank you. I will take a look and reach back to you.


            • #7
              123456_ I managed to reproduce it. Seems to be caused by the same thing.

              Meanwhile, please, note that if the material is not a SSS it works as expected.

