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Vray doesn't follow keyframes.

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  • Vray doesn't follow keyframes.

    Another critical bug.

    Left is where things should be, renders fine as a still. But if you render an animation of it you get this nonsense. Vray I want to use it but I think im going to have to shelve it to many of these gotcha bugs just keep coming up that dont make sense.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	139
Size:	696.4 KB
ID:	1214669

  • #2
    Hey seth_richardson, I'm sorry to hear for these problems. Can you provide a reproducible scene where we might take a look at what might cause these problems?
    Deyan Hadzhiev


    • #3
      Originally posted by deyan.hadzhiev View Post
      Hey seth_richardson, I'm sorry to hear for these problems. Can you provide a reproducible scene where we might take a look at what might cause these problems?
      I can try but basically my structure looks like:

      Null - Keyframed rotation
      --Null - Keyframed Position/Rotation
      ----Null- Keyframed Position/Rotation

      If I save out as alembic and reapply all the materials and decals (Because they dont save) Then it works as expected. So I am guessing Vray isn't reading child/parent relationships correctly. Or Keyframed Nulls as I can reproduce this on a simple plain with a null parented to it and animation on that null.
      Last edited by seth_richardson; 28-08-2024, 10:05 AM.


      • #4
        Can you still provide the example scene - it would greatly help us troubleshoot this problem. Our internal tests behave as expected on full hierarchy animation, so it seems like your scene hits an edge case.

        Also it would help if you can try if rendering with the Standard renderer would produce the expected result or it would match V-Ray's.
        Deyan Hadzhiev

