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Why do different versions of VRay load the same 3dl file with huge color differences

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  • Why do different versions of VRay load the same 3dl file with huge color differences

    Click image for larger version

Name:	A.png
Views:	193
Size:	209.4 KB
ID:	1220309 Click image for larger version

Name:	B.png
Views:	162
Size:	252.3 KB
ID:	1220310 Just like the color deviation in the picture, the correct result should be the color of version 6.1
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  • #2
    Hi 123456_, this difference is caused by a fixed issue in the way the Lookup Table layer is applied to the final result. Unfortunately, we missed the issue in our changelog, so it was not reported and we will correct that.

    Some details regarding the actual issue. Before the fix, the lookup table transformation did not properly apply the reverse color space transformation after the lookup table was applied. So in the case you have shown, the lookup table is properly applied in "log" space, but the image then remains in "log" space, instead of being transformed back to linear so its display correction may be applied properly afterwards. That being said, the only mode of the lookup table that has not been affected, is when it is selected to "Work in linear", because no color space transformations are performed before or after the lookup table is applied.

    So to summarize - the results in V-Ray 6.1 was wrong, in case "Work in log" or "Work in sRGB" was used for the lookup table. Sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused you.
    Deyan Hadzhiev


    • #3
      Originally posted by deyan.hadzhiev View Post
      Hi 123456_, this difference is caused by a fixed issue in the way the Lookup Table layer is applied to the final result. Unfortunately, we missed the issue in our changelog, so it was not reported and we will correct that.

      Some details regarding the actual issue. Before the fix, the lookup table transformation did not properly apply the reverse color space transformation after the lookup table was applied. So in the case you have shown, the lookup table is properly applied in "log" space, but the image then remains in "log" space, instead of being transformed back to linear so its display correction may be applied properly afterwards. That being said, the only mode of the lookup table that has not been affected, is when it is selected to "Work in linear", because no color space transformations are performed before or after the lookup table is applied.

      So to summarize - the results in V-Ray 6.1 was wrong, in case "Work in log" or "Work in sRGB" was used for the lookup table. Sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused you.
      ​Thank you for your reply. I understand now

