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Cinema 4D Particles and V-ray = lot's of crashes

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  • Cinema 4D Particles and V-ray = lot's of crashes

    Today is was playing around with the new particle system in Cinema 4D 2025.1.1
    All day I was using Redshift and everything was running fine.
    Since my idea is to use V-ray for an upcoming project in Cinema I transferred the scene to V-ray.
    Well, I was not able to get the IPR running at first. After a restart I managed to get 1 frame visible in the ipr, but then quickly froze v-ray. After that many crashes and freezes.

    This makes me anxious to use V-ray for an upcoming project where lot's of particles are involved and probably go for the RS route for now.

    Meanwhile I hope this can help pinpoint the problem.
    In the attachment you can see the error.
    Also i included the redshift and V-ray scene

    Windows 11
    128GB Ram
    Running dual RTX3090 cards
    latest version of C4D and V-ray

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Vray-error.jpg
Views:	173
Size:	221.9 KB
ID:	1223793
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hey, Menno,

    Thank you for the report. Could you please remove the Redshift object properties and try again? Redshift shines, but V-Ray is gold. I am sure there is something more to investigate in this scene, e.g., driver, OS, or something else, but the main machine is rendered with interactive render.

    Please, check your drivers as well.

    Attached Files
    Boyan Nalchadjiiski | QA Engineer @ Chaos |


    • #3
      Thanks Boyan for looking into this.
      I did some other testing an removed the Redshift attributes tag.

      I must say, when it runs, it runs really fast. I like it. But try to have the ipr running and press play and pause during the timeline. it still crashes with the following error.

      Denose is disabled btw.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	error.jpg
Views:	124
Size:	114.2 KB
ID:	1223824


      • #4
        Hey, menno_vandijk​,

        Happy New Year!

        Here are a few options for your setup to avoid the memory error, aka crash: 1/ Use one GPU card for simulation (Ctrl+D -> Simulation -> Scene -> Compute Device ) and one for interactive rendering (Render settings -> V-Ray -> GPU -> Rendering Devices); 2/ Use CPU for simulation; 3/ Use cache for the simulation; the latter is more efficient but will work when all changes are made.

        According to team tests, the memory allocation is too high, so using the same card for simulation and interactive rendering may cause this issue. Please let me know what you think about these ideas.

        Last edited by boyan; 06-01-2025, 04:47 AM.
        Boyan Nalchadjiiski | QA Engineer @ Chaos |


        • #5
          Hi Boyan,
          Happy New Year to you and your team!

          Thanks for the suggestions, Home sounds like a logical change to make and I'll check it out.

          At the moment I have a cached scene. (100 GB cache)
          When I use the V-Ray Particles object as > Type: Vray : Render type: Spheres ==> Super fast almost instantaneous render in the frame buffer, really amazing!

          but.. I want to change the spheres to simple cubes, so I set the particle type to > Geometry Instances
          and add a small cube as a child.
          This brings the system to it's knees

          Can it be that, because there is a new particle system in cinema, V-ray GPU needs some updates before it can fully makes use of the high particle count?

