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Importing VR scenes will generate multiple lighting materials, and the loading will be incorrect

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  • Importing VR scenes will generate multiple lighting materials, and the loading will be incorrect

    I have a 3dmax file here. After exporting VRScene and importing C4D, the loading of lighting materials is incorrect, resulting in two materials being generated. Moreover, when importing in node mode, they are not even loaded. I have uploaded this 3dmax file Click image for larger version

Name:	$4]]KS]Y[TFNW]H1D](DJTO.png
Views:	211
Size:	271.8 KB
ID:	1227125
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello 123456_ Thank you for providing the file. I will review your report and get back to you either with a few more questions or an answer, depending on what I find.
    Daniel Kapsazov |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hello 123456_ I was looking at the Max scene you provided and noticed that the materials inside were 3ds Max Physical Materials, which are not currently supported. Could you confirm whether you attempted to export the .vrscene without converting the materials beforehand?​
      Daniel Kapsazov |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        Originally posted by daniel.kapsazov View Post
        Hello 123456_ I was looking at the Max scene you provided and noticed that the materials inside were 3ds Max Physical Materials, which are not currently supported. Could you confirm whether you attempted to export the .vrscene without converting the materials beforehand?​
        Click image for larger version

Name:	7ZMSSIQ{U)RP~{1D4)SW}8R.png
Views:	68
Size:	62.4 KB
ID:	1227300 I used VRay lighting materials in my 3dmax file, not 3ds Max Physical Materials


        • #5
          Hey 123456_
          This is somewhat expected as there are 2 materials in the 3ds max vrscene. In this scene it's caused by cast shadows being disabled in the 3ds max object properties. That's the reason there's 2 classic materials - one light material and one MtlRenderStats that wraps the light material, however, with nodes we didn't bother adding proper support for such materials. We will consider how we can improve this both for classic and node materials.


          • #6
            Originally posted by bozhidar_ivanov View Post
            Hey 123456_
            This is somewhat expected as there are 2 materials in the 3ds max vrscene. In this scene it's caused by cast shadows being disabled in the 3ds max object properties. That's the reason there's 2 classic materials - one light material and one MtlRenderStats that wraps the light material, however, with nodes we didn't bother adding proper support for such materials. We will consider how we can improve this both for classic and node materials.
            Thank you for your answer

