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roblem with Scatter and Team Render

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  • roblem with Scatter and Team Render

    Hi, I have a problem with Scatter and Team Render on slave machines, it crashes continuously.
    Sometimes it manages to render an image, but most of the time nothing. The scene is medium complex with vegetation.
    I tried everything, disabling edge trimming, converting the cosmos asset into a polygon mesh.... nothing.
    I tried to render only with the scatter turned on and all the remaining vegetation turned off and the problem continues. If I do the reverse, scatter turned off, vegetation turned on, everything works fine.
    My configuration is iMacpro OS 14.6.1 where there is the Team render server.
    2 AMD Ryzen9 PCs with win 11 with Team render Client
    On the Mac side, crashes are there, but much rarer
    For privacy reasons, I cannot post the file directly in the forum, but I can send a download link privately.​

  • #2
    Hi luca_bazzini Thank you for contacting us. Could you please share a test scene with us so our devs can take a look at the issue.

    Please submit a ticket to our system with the files. Make sure do it through File > Save project with assets : Submit a request

    Please, share also what versions of Cinema and V-Ray you are using and any other detail you thing its useful.
    Has this happened before or started appearing now?
    Does it happen with every scene ( even a simple ones ) or a specific one?


    • #3
      Hi, actually I forgot to write the version.
      Cinema 2025.1.2 Vray 7.00.01 Hotfix 1
      In the meantime I did other tests for the animation via Team Render:
      1) I recreated the polygons inside Cinema 4D (the originals come from Vectorworks) but it crashes anyway.
      2) I eliminated all the vegetation from the scene, nothing.
      The only thing where it started to work is changing, in the info tab, the Randomization compatibily with the Chaos Scatte 4 or older version.
      With 5 and 6 it crashes.
      Unfortunately version 4 changes the Randomization of the high or high patch groups pattern a lot.
      Anyway I open a ticket and send everything, including a bugreport​

