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No Chaos Scatter with Vray 7

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  • No Chaos Scatter with Vray 7

    Can not get Vray to install Chaos Scatter, even when selecting the install option for Scatter. I have uninstalled everything, deleted all folder, rebooted etc etc but it will not install Chaos Scatter.

    Current release of C4D, Vray 7 Hotfix 1 and Win 11.

  • #2
    Hey shane_mckenzie, it would help us greatly if you give some additional details about your setup. Specifically
    1. Can you give us the exact Cinema 4D version for which you are trying to install V-Ray and Chaos Scatter?
    2. Are you using a custom installation directory?

    Additionally, it might help us find out what went wrong in your case if you provide us with a debug log from the installer. To obtain such a log, you need to open a Command Prompt (easiest done with using the [Windows + X] key shortcut and selecting Windows power shell), type the location to the installation executable (or drag'n'drop it in the command prompt) and adding the
    argument to the command line. So the final command line should become something like this:
    >D:\artifacts\installs\official\vray_adv_70001_c4d2024_x64.exe -debug=2
    After running the above command, the installer will write a log file that you should send to us - possibly best by opening a support ticket.
    Deyan Hadzhiev


    • #3
      Using C4D 2025.1.3. Just a regular install, nothing custom. The Scatter plugin is present in the C4D plugins folder but won't load. No errors in C4d.

      Log attached.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Ok, fixed it. I deleted the Scatter plugin from the C4D folder this time and re-installed and now it appears in the Vray menu. The scatter plugin was installed previously because of Corona - why would this be an issue?


        • #5
          The Chaos Scatter plugin is shared between Corona and V-Ray. if you had Chaos Scatter installed with Corona and the Scatter version is greater than the one bundled with V-Ray, the installation of Scatter from V-Ray will be skipped, but Scatter should work in this case.

          In your case (since you mentioned you didn't see it in the menu), I suppose that your Chaos Scatter version was quite old, probably installed with Corona 9 or older? Unfortunately, V-Ray is incompatible with such old version, and our installation refuses to install the newer one to avoid overwriting the files. The main reason is that such overwrite may lead to crashes later, either by Corona or by V-Ray.

          I'm glad you found your problem, although I think it might be worth for us to add a visible warning in the installer in case of too old existing Scatter version that prevents the update. Sorry for the caused inconvenience.
          Deyan Hadzhiev


          • #6
            I was using Corona 12. A notification and an option to update it etc would have prevented much messing about for sure.

