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Random by Polyshell/V-Ray Output Wrapper

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  • Random by Polyshell/V-Ray Output Wrapper

    Dear Chaosgroup,

    I try to figure out how to access every leaf of a tree/bush to shade them randomly. It was easily possible with the absolut great feature of the V-Ray Output Wrapper-Shader -> random by polyshell in V-Ray 3.7.

    I know V-Ray is able to use most of the Cinema 4D native shaders now even with DR. But even if Cinema 4D has a great randomization-shader called variation shader and it has a feature called "Polygone count" first of all you have to sort the internal polygone-structure, for instance: of a leaves-object of a tree, and it does not work if the leaves have different polygone-counts. Also its kinda out of question to convert all leaves to single objects.

    I know the MultiSubTex-Shader has great functionalty to randomize but only on object/instance-level NOT on polygon-shell-level.

    Or do I miss something? I tried everything in my nerdy mind to figure out how to access every single leaf to randomly set textures from a texture-list.

    Kind regards,

  • #2
    Would be nice if a developer could at least respond if Something like this is planned. It seems that iam not the only one who would wish for such a great feature which was already in V-Ray 3.7.

    shaio :
    "In your planned features thread you wrote:

    We're aiming to include all missing V-Ray 3.7 features in V-Ray 5 by the end of the year excluding the ones that are considered deprecated. We'll start with the following features which will be reintroduced with the next major update in a couple of months:"

    Pls dont tell me that this feature I mentioned is one of those, because it was so great to make visualizations look more realistic with the possibility to add so much randomness. In my opinion (also stefan laubs and think others, too) this is a must!

    Thanks in advance PdZ
    Last edited by PdZ; 23-04-2021, 12:02 AM.


    • #3
      Hello PdZ,

      I apologize for the delayed reply.

      I have added a feature request for implementing "Random by Poly Shell" mode in the MultiSubTex. I will let you know if we have more information. Thank you for your feedback.
      Aleksandar Kasabov


      • #4
        I'd like to +1 this one. It's basically the "mesh element" mode from Corona we are talking about here. If I'm not mistaken that is. I think this functionality is also already in the 3ds Max version where it is known as the "Element" mode. Haven't tested it out though.
        Last edited by Nejc Kilar; 13-05-2021, 04:15 AM.


        • #5
          Dear Aleksandar,

          thank you very much!


          • #6

            This post is just a quick update to let you know that "Random by element" mode will be implemented in the MultiSubTex. This will be available in the next official release of V-Ray for Cinema4D. You can keep an eye on the V-Ray for Cinema 4D :: Announcements section of the forum for any updates.
            Aleksandar Kasabov


            • #7
              Hi aleksandar.kasabov
              that's great news
              also this is hugely important for us to add the random variance like U offset; V offset; UV rotation; the stochastic tiling, etc...
              make this a great Christmas gift news


              • #8
                Hello nunomatos,

                This will be introduced with the implementation of UVWRandomizer. Keep an eye on the Announcements section for updates.
                Aleksandar Kasabov


                • #9
                  Hi aleksandar.kasabov .. thanks for the update... hope we can get a wonderful chaos Christmas (this year) gift with this announcement ...

