I had a greate Featurerequest:
Very often, when images are used, they have to be adjusted a little in color, saturation, or orientation.
This always has to be realized over several levels through the use of shaders.
In Thea-Render it was extremely easy.
It would be an enormous time saver if you could incorporate the following into the V-Ray bitmap shader:
Thanks so such If you could realice this.
I had a greate Featurerequest:
Very often, when images are used, they have to be adjusted a little in color, saturation, or orientation.
This always has to be realized over several levels through the use of shaders.
In Thea-Render it was extremely easy.
It would be an enormous time saver if you could incorporate the following into the V-Ray bitmap shader:
Thanks so such If you could realice this.