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Is there a plan to add VRayScatterVolume material

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  • Is there a plan to add VRayScatterVolume material

    This material can be used to quickly convert models into volume clouds
  • Answer selected by zhanet.georgieva at 15-08-2023, 10:48 PM.

    Hey 123456_,
    Since V-Ray 5 Update 1 (noted in the changelog from in the link) we integrated the V-Ray Scatter Volume material inside the V-Ray material. You can use it by going in the Refraction group in the V-Ray material and under the Translucency tab set the Translucency type to Volumetric and start playing with the various parameters until you achieve the desired effect.

    Here is a quick example I made for you that could be used as a starting point (IOR should be set to 1):

    Click image for larger version  Name:	clouds_volume_scatter.png Views:	0 Size:	1.12 MB ID:	1188609
    Last edited by shaio; 15-08-2023, 05:09 PM.


    • #2
      Hey 123456_,
      Since V-Ray 5 Update 1 (noted in the changelog from in the link) we integrated the V-Ray Scatter Volume material inside the V-Ray material. You can use it by going in the Refraction group in the V-Ray material and under the Translucency tab set the Translucency type to Volumetric and start playing with the various parameters until you achieve the desired effect.

      Here is a quick example I made for you that could be used as a starting point (IOR should be set to 1):

      Click image for larger version  Name:	clouds_volume_scatter.png Views:	0 Size:	1.12 MB ID:	1188609
      Last edited by shaio; 15-08-2023, 05:09 PM.
      Ivan Shaykov


      • #3
        Originally posted by shaio View Post
        Hey 123456_,
        Since V-Ray 5 Update 1 (noted in the changelog from in the link) we integrated the V-Ray Scatter Volume material inside the V-Ray material. You can use it by going in the Refraction group in the V-Ray material and under the Translucency tab set the Translucency type to Volumetric and start playing with the various parameters until you achieve the desired effect.

        Here is a quick example I made for you that could be used as a starting point (IOR should be set to 1):

        Click image for larger version Name:	clouds_volume_scatter.png Views:	0 Size:	1.12 MB ID:	1188609
        Thank you for your reply. It was my negligence

