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Can you add texture function to Spot Light in the c4d version of Vray

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  • Can you add texture function to Spot Light in the c4d version of Vray

    点击图片查看大图  名称:YKM[YA3~VLSRMV02D2FMKPY.png 浏览次数: 0 大小: 302.6 KB 编号: 1200269 I would like to add a texture function so that the effect in 3dmax can be achieved
  • Answer selected by viktor_angelov at 23-01-2024, 05:53 AM.

    Hello 123456_ The Project Maps are a 3DsMax function that we have added V-Ray support to. This is not expected to be done in Cinema 4D. However, I have shared information regarding your interest and will keep it in mind.


    • #2
      Currently, to achieve this effect in C4D, I need to add a transparent model in front of the spotlight to achieve it Click image for larger version

Name:	`WY5I%1OA4WF18ZXET]YJU1.png
Views:	360
Size:	286.2 KB
ID:	1200271


      • #3
        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	389
Size:	665.4 KB
ID:	1200279

        It's called a Gobo in the film industry and your simulation is prob more realistica anyhow, like the results could be more interesting for sure. oh, and you could also just use an alpha, doesn't have to be an sRGB transparency. This is how they do it in hollywood. You can get this effect by loading a tex into your rectangle light and setting the directional to 1.

        Attached Files


        • #4
          Here just "faked" window and some stained glass using tiles. is this what you are looking for? Also I think Spotlights are deprecated in vray meaning you should not use them even though they are available - I believe they include them in the software for backward compatibility, not bc you should be using them anymore. I'd recommend reading the manual.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	302
Size:	761.7 KB
ID:	1200281Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	293
Size:	692.3 KB
ID:	1200282


          • #5
            Originally posted by wolfgang_himmelfarb View Post
            Here just "faked" window and some stained glass using tiles. is this what you are looking for? Also I think Spotlights are deprecated in vray meaning you should not use them even though they are available - I believe they include them in the software for backward compatibility, not bc you should be using them anymore. I'd recommend reading the manual.

            Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	761.7 KB ID:	1200281Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	692.3 KB ID:	1200282
            Thank you for your suggestion, but I hope to get a cone-shaped lighting volume effect with light and dark lines Click image for larger version

Name:	X4TIUSEYP0W%47V7H8E9ABU.png
Views:	374
Size:	205.4 KB
ID:	1200285
            Last edited by 123456_; 20-01-2024, 01:19 AM.


            • #6
              I donna , that's a very specific request for a deprecated workflow and it looks like you can just use max. In the simplest terms vray is getting rid of non-physically accurate lights and the setup you have with an infinitely small light source(and infinitely small gobo) isn't physically accurate. Maybe chaos will reintroduce a physically accurate spotlight with gobo controls? Would be cool but I dont think its a priority if you have ies that are physically accurate . ..

              Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	280
Size:	51.2 KB
ID:	1200296


              • #7
                Hello 123456_ The Project Maps are a 3DsMax function that we have added V-Ray support to. This is not expected to be done in Cinema 4D. However, I have shared information regarding your interest and will keep it in mind.


                • #8
                  123456_ What function do you miss from the rectagle light turned into a circular one + setting up the directionality? I'm not sure if i understand the transparent model method you post. Could you elaborate a bit on that?


                  • #9
                    Originally posted by akos_kiss View Post
                    123456_ What function do you miss from the rectagle light turned into a circular one + setting up the directionality? I'm not sure if i understand the transparent model method you post. Could you elaborate a bit on that?
                    I uploaded the project file, and you should be able to render it directly to produce the effect. I just want to achieve this effect
                    Attached Files


                    • #10
                      Originally posted by akos_kiss View Post
                      123456_ What function do you miss from the rectangle light turned into a circular one + setting up the directionality? I'm not sure if i understand the transparent model method you post. Could you elaborate a bit on that?

                      it's simulating a "gobo" which is technical "real world" term for that effect. And maybe the term isn't "transparent" but "alphaed out." It would be in the opacity map. The effect is what some render engines like arnold call a gobo, which is the industry term for a light blocking element. The problem is that the old legacy spotlight is an old workflow and im guessing not "real world"(bc its infinitely small). The effect is faked so im guessing thats why they're getting rid of it. I honestly don't think they'll be adding in a legacy element bc its not like old files have it. I think more likely they'll add a light blocker or gobo to the existing light. IMO.


                      • #11
                        123456_Thanks for the sample file!. In the preview i couldn't see that there was an object in front of the spotlight. Now i understand the issue. The main thing is not the actual "gobo" or projected texture. This projector look can be achieved with the technique mentioned above (directionality). Unfortunately the method i suggested with the small circular light with a high directionality is not able to reproduce higher fidelity of the light rays in the reference.
                        I think one solution is the what you suggested. If you need a bit more control ou can combine your spot light solution with the above mentioned rectangle light and high directionality. Its not going to be totally correct but you can have a bit more control. You can enable the barn doors on the spotlight to make it more accurate.
                        This a workaround but maybe it gives you a bit more control.

                        I didn't align the rectangle light and the spotlight but i think this gets the point across.
                        Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	932.1 KB ID:	1201787


                        • #12
                          Originally posted by akos_kiss View Post
                          123456_Thanks for the sample file!. In the preview i couldn't see that there was an object in front of the spotlight. Now i understand the issue. The main thing is not the actual "gobo" or projected texture. This projector look can be achieved with the technique mentioned above (directionality). Unfortunately the method i suggested with the small circular light with a high directionality is not able to reproduce higher fidelity of the light rays in the reference.
                          I think one solution is the what you suggested. If you need a bit more control ou can combine your spot light solution with the above mentioned rectangle light and high directionality. Its not going to be totally correct but you can have a bit more control. You can enable the barn doors on the spotlight to make it more accurate.
                          This a workaround but maybe it gives you a bit more control.

                          I didn't align the rectangle light and the spotlight but i think this gets the point across.
                          Click image for larger version Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	932.1 KB ID:	1201787
                          Yes, but these methods are still cumbersome, and it would be much easier if vray could do this by simply adding stickers to the spotlight like redshift does,

