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Can c4d's vray add an environmental attribute to the material, just like max's

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  • Can c4d's vray add an environmental attribute to the material, just like max's

    Click image for larger version

Name:	9ZO[AO4I1{N~[L(L0D@ZC05.png
Views:	369
Size:	297.1 KB
ID:	1208260 This is the content in the user manual for Max's Vray. If c4d can achieve this function, I can add different reflection environments for each material

  • #2
    Are there plans to add this feature?


    • #3
      Hello 123456_ I have shared your idea with the team and it's up to a discussion. Thank you!

      It will be very useful if you could give us some additional information on the scenarios in which you will find this useful.


      • #4
        Originally posted by viktor_angelov View Post
        Hello 123456_ I have shared your idea with the team and it's up to a discussion. Thank you!

        It will be very useful if you could give us some additional information on the scenarios in which you will find this useful.
        For example, metal in an indoor environment may not reflect its surroundings very well. In this case, I can add an environment as the reflection source for the metal. This feature exists in C4D's Corona and in 3ds Max's Vray, so it is still quite useful. Click image for larger version

Name:	A)0`B(F_E~IRB%$DA@JD[XW.png
Views:	118
Size:	71.2 KB
ID:	1211405


        • #5
          Thank you 123456_ I have shared your feedback with the team and we will be discussing this internally.

