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Material creation, hdas and exposing parameters

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  • Material creation, hdas and exposing parameters

    I'm not quite sure if I missed a topic about this here in the forums (I tried to find it) but it seems that there hasn't been anyone asking about the material creation possibilities in Houdini mat networks yet.
    First of all, I'm guessing this is not possible due to the way mantra compiles vop networks and how the whole export architecture of vray probably works ... but I'll try anyways:
    1) I don't seem to be able to expose parameters (like diffuse color or anything else) to the material builder itself - it doesn't create inputs and outputs, just "settings" on the material builder itself. Meaning, I can't connect anything into or get anything out of a material builder - which kinda defies the purpose. I'm basically not much better off than just making separate mat networks for each material.
    2) I can't make any HDAs.. at all. I'd like to be able to create my own little tools like custom noises and things like a height blend node but without HDAs, this is much more cumbersome. This also means I have to copy and paste setups instead of "instancing" them somewhere else.
    3) I can't seem to be referencing materials in other networks or material builders etc. As soon as I wrap something up in a material network this is a standalone thing that cannot be used for anything else than direct assignment. For example: I can't use a layered material node to blend a material builder with some other material. I'd be better off to just not use material builders at all (which however is also not great since I don't get a filtered tab menu outside of the material builder). Redshift for example at least has a "shader merge" node which can reference other materials and bring them into a RS material builder.

    I very much like vray4houdini so far, great work on that, but those limitations are a bit disappointing. Redshift can't expose parameters to material builder level either, but hdas and referencing is possible, which makes it a lot easier to work with in more complex scenes and setups.

  • #2
    Hey there,

    those are all valid points that you've raised and we'll definitely try to think of a way to handle those issues.

    Regarding Parameter VOP (1) , yup, that simply won't work. I'll check with the dev team if it's even possible to handle it somehow so parameter promotion works. Technically, channel referencing works so there is a way to do this but it's nowhere near as convenient as middle mouse button -> promote parameter.

    As to HDAs (2), would you mind sharing a setup that doesn't work for you ? I've attached an HDA that works for me so you can test it yourself -plug the brdf output into a V-Ray Single VOP and assign it to any geo.
    If you are assigning the HDA itself as the material, that is likely the reason this is not working. The devs may be able to figure something out about this too. I'll log it and message here if a solution can or can not be found.

    Referencing Material Builders (3) is not possible at the moment afaik. We'll definitely think of something, that sounds like a completely reasonable request.

    I'll keep you posted with any updates.

    All the best!


    • #3
      Thank you very much for the feedback!

      1) Not quite sure what you mean with channel referencing in this case and if we're actually talking about the same thing . I have attached an image of what I mean exactly (matbuilder.png) . I'd like to be able to get data in and out of the material builder and make more complex networks (and reusable materials for use in different blend materials) this way. But this also related to 3) where I can't use material builders anyways.

      2) Your hda does work indeed. It also seems to be working when I create an HDA on the mat network level but if I try to create one inside of a matbuilder it doesn't work and I get an error (see the image below, hdaCreationInMatBuilder.png ). That's what made me assume it wasn't possible at all, sorry. It's also not possible to create or paste any digital assets inside the material builder.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        I see...If you also need the input slot, I'm afraid I have no solution for you at the moment other than creating HDAs in /mat and avoiding the VRay Material Builder until we've had the chance to improve the workflow

        It's also not possible to create or paste any digital assets inside the material builder.
        HDAs are seemingly not registered together with the V-Ray nodes. I hope that's an easy fix.



        • #5
          I'm sure you guys will figure something out Great to have that level of feedback, thanks!

