I'd like to create the snow shader shown in the 3dsMax version
I see there is a snow shader in the Houdini docs
but this is more for assigning the material to the top of objects, I'm after the SSS / Stochastic look from the 3dsMax tutorial, not sure how to blend these materials in Vray for Houdini
From what I understand I create a VrayMaterialBuilder, then within there I can add a 'V-Ray SSS' and 'V-Ray Stochastic Flakes' to a 'V-Ray Blend (Material)'
I can increase the BDRF Count to accept 2 inputs but when I connect them it doesn't look correct, how do I set the SSS as the base material and the flakes as a coat?
If I use the carpaint node it doesn't accept BRDF as the incoming connection
EDIT: May have found the right option which is switching the blend to 'Additive'
I see there is a snow shader in the Houdini docs
but this is more for assigning the material to the top of objects, I'm after the SSS / Stochastic look from the 3dsMax tutorial, not sure how to blend these materials in Vray for Houdini
From what I understand I create a VrayMaterialBuilder, then within there I can add a 'V-Ray SSS' and 'V-Ray Stochastic Flakes' to a 'V-Ray Blend (Material)'
I can increase the BDRF Count to accept 2 inputs but when I connect them it doesn't look correct, how do I set the SSS as the base material and the flakes as a coat?
If I use the carpaint node it doesn't accept BRDF as the incoming connection
EDIT: May have found the right option which is switching the blend to 'Additive'