Simple scene (attached) with a grid. I made a linear displace texture with middle grey color and a ramp in it that goes from 0 -1.
If I render the grid with a displacement shader the whole grid is moving. I expect the grid only to move in areas where the displacement texture has different values than 0.5 right? Changing the texture type of the diesplace map from srgb to linear or so has no effect at all. Is there a mistake in my setup?
Region in the middle shows the grid without displacement.

kind regards
Simple scene (attached) with a grid. I made a linear displace texture with middle grey color and a ramp in it that goes from 0 -1.
If I render the grid with a displacement shader the whole grid is moving. I expect the grid only to move in areas where the displacement texture has different values than 0.5 right? Changing the texture type of the diesplace map from srgb to linear or so has no effect at all. Is there a mistake in my setup?
Region in the middle shows the grid without displacement.
kind regards