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Gi fire

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  • Gi fire

    Hello, i did a render with my fire sim but I have no lighing on the enviro, can you help me? ( i tweaked this GI multiplier in the shader)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	2021-02-08_092720.jpg
Views:	350
Size:	259.2 KB
ID:	1101802

    Also, I have few question here:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	2021-02-08_070053.jpg
Views:	412
Size:	605.0 KB
ID:	1101803

  • #2
    Hey sbastien_levieux ,

    I'll try to address the questions in order:

    1. The "GI Multiplier" will affect the casted illumination if the "Create Fire Lights" option under the "Fire Lights" tab is disabled. This option speeds up rendering and simulates GI by placing lights inside the volume so it's technically direct illumination. You can find more info here:

    2. You can hook up any type of texture to the input slots - just make sure to use the Projection UV type. Note that those textures will be static, however. We're planning to add support for rest coordinates for textures in the very near future!
    Here's an example file:

    3. In general, to get more detail you can play with the Fire Intensity and Color ramps - If you disable "Fire Lights" and "Smoke" and copy the Mantra Pyro Shader Intensity ramp into the V-Ray Volume Shader's Intensity ramp, you should get a very similar result. If you're willing to share the scene, I could take a look and get back to you.

    4. No, unfortunately there is no material converter for Mantra to V-Ray materials. We've considered that in the past but the shading networks are usually rather complex so such a converter may cause more issues than it's worth. There's a Houdini to 3ds Max VDB shading guide here:
    It's the 3ds Max UI but the concepts are essentially the same.

    Hope that helps!


    • #3
      Thank you for your advice! It is precious! I will sent you a mail with my file if you want?


      • #4
        @Gosho.Genchev i did the test render! Vray is the best, i will send you my scene, how can i make the smoke more transparent?


        • #5
          opacity is enableClick image for larger version

Name:	2021-02-10_141243.jpg
Views:	255
Size:	182.8 KB
ID:	1102168


          • #6
            Hey sbastien_levieux ,

            how can i make the smoke more transparent?
            The Smoke Opacity control is under the Volume Grid Shader -> Smoke -> Opacity sub-section:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	smoke_opacity.png
Views:	330
Size:	30.0 KB
ID:	1102734

            The only requirement for those controls to work is that the rendering of smoke is enabled under the "Bindings" tab:

            However, because of the UI changes to the shader in the nightly builds, the "Use Opacity Ramp" option is hidden. I presume you saved the scene with "Use Opacity Ramp" disabled and updated the V-Ray build.
            To use the Ramp controls, you would need to unhide the "Use Opacity Ramp" option and enable it.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	parm_unhide.png
Views:	320
Size:	188.7 KB
ID:	1102733

            Hope that helps!


            • #7
              Thank you for your amazing response!! It will help me a lot!

