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Shiny volumes

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  • Shiny volumes

    I was wondering if its possible to create shiny volumes for like foam or whitewater, so it has some specular highlights. I can create like a custom normal based off the gradient for the volume with the vdb analysis node.

  • #2
    Hi Tarin,

    Good to see you here Shiny, i.e. specular component for volumes - not supported by the volume shader yet, unfortunately. You could surface your whitewater and use a layered scattervol/vraymtl shader where the first one provides the volume, and the second one - the reflection, you'll have to make it transparent by refraction = 1, refractive IOR = 1, unlock separate reflection IOR and add in the reflection. That's a surface and not a volume, but works for us with foam, and only misty parts get rendered as volume.
    Hristo Velev
    MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
    Sofia, Bulgaria


    • #3
      When I VDB mesh the whitewater for foam, the scattervolume turns black. I think it's because its more picky about having a perfect mesh since its using some more bruteforce solution to calculating scattering. Any tips on fixing the mesh so it works with the vray scatter volume shader?


      • #4
        Using particlefluid surface operator directly on the particles seems to create a good mesh and it works now. Vs what i was doing before using the particles to create a volume and then converting the volume to a mesh with "Convert VDB". Thanks! Hristo


        • #5
          Black maybe means that the mesh is not closed? Which might happen if you're using the fluidsurface HDA which does a bunch of operations, but with the basic vdb from particles/convert vdb to mesh you should always be getting a closed surface and that should work well with the scattervol shader.
          Hristo Velev
          MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
          Sofia, Bulgaria


          • #6
            Funny enough if I remember correctly, it was possible to render volumes (sdf vdbs) in maya vray as a surface (with the volume grid)... wondering how difficult it would be to port over.


            • #7
              Oh really? I haven't heard of vray rendering these, that would be great to have
              Hristo Velev
              MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
              Sofia, Bulgaria


              • #8
                I would have to doublecheck, but I'm pretty sure. It might also be only possible if you have phoenix FD (in Maya). I believe they initially used that (or maybe even still do) to render fluid bodies.


                • #9
                  Or it does some iso surfacing - I'll look up
                  Hristo Velev
                  MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
                  Sofia, Bulgaria


                  • #10
                    ok, so I checked in maya and it works with the standard volume grid - just put a sdf vdb in, set to houdini fluid preset and apply any surface shaders. I think initially it meshes the volume (on import for the viewport and again on rendertime). I beliefe if you set the rendermode to isosurface it renders the volume directly.


                    • #11
                      Could be that it's Maya and not V-Ray that's meshing it?
                      Hristo Velev
                      MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
                      Sofia, Bulgaria


                      • #12
                        unlikely. don‘t think there is any function in maya that meshes vdbs (except for bifrost maybe, but this worked before bifrost was a thing, its also not loaded here)
                        Last edited by ronald_a; 24-04-2021, 04:38 AM.

