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(Open) (HOU-3912) (Fixed) (HOU-3918) displace vray fur

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  • (Open) (HOU-3912) (Fixed) (HOU-3918) displace vray fur

    Is it possible to displace vray fur? What I mean is that the surface the fur is coming out from has a displacement shader. I would like the fur to conform to the displaced shape.
  • Answer selected by viktor_angelov at 17-08-2023, 05:43 AM.

    I would like to let you know that V-Ray Fur now works with packed Alembic Files. You can find the implementation in our latest Nightly Builds here:
    Last edited by viktor_angelov; 17-08-2023, 05:43 AM.


    • #2
      Hello ronald_a

      Thank you very much for your time and efforts to provide us with all the details regarding the suggested feature request. The request has been added to our system with ID: (HOU-3912).

      It would really help us if you share with us how will this implementation improve your work. Any examples / descriptions will be highly appreciated.


      • #3
        Hi viktor_angelov,

        please have a look at the attached images. There are actually two case which I find not working.

        1. have vray fur grow out of a displaced surface and conform to it (see the two images with the displaced plane. Currently the fur will not grow out of the displaced geo, but out of the undisplaced (displacement in shader that is). the second image is faked (displaced in sops) to show the desired result.

        2. have vray fur conform to subdivision surfaces. Same as with displacement - but rendertime subdivisions. examples show how it is and how it should be.

        Let me know if you need more information.


        • #4
          +1 to this.
          Example: Adding a bit of grass to a displace surface like a cliff/rocks.
          David Anastácio // Accenture Song - VFX


          • #5
            that would be one of the usecases. Or some peach-fuzz on a face. Everywhere you need very simple hair (and lots of it), this would come in very handy.


            • #6
              viktor_angelov, since you're at it, please fix the "per area" option, it's broken since ever... as you can see in my post from 2020

              Click image for larger version

Name:	VFH6_fur_perArea.gif
Views:	338
Size:	3.12 MB
ID:	1186486
              David Anastácio // Accenture Song - VFX


              • #7
                you need to push it over 1 (actually by far). Not saying this is "working as expected", but it does.


                • #8
                  Hello ronald_a

                  Thank you for all of the examples provided! I have shared them with the team and they will be discussed. We highly appreciate your collaboration. I will contact you once we have more information regarding this case.


                  • #9
                    Originally posted by ronald_a View Post
                    you need to push it over 1 (actually by far). Not saying this is "working as expected", but it does.
                    Damn, this value range is crazy! Many thanks ronald_a.
                    viktor_angelov would've been great if this info was posted in that forum post from 2020

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	VFH6_fur_perArea_100000.gif
Views:	328
Size:	3.94 MB
ID:	1186505

                    David Anastácio // Accenture Song - VFX


                    • #10
                      Hello david.anastacio

                      Thank you for pointing it out. I have pinged the team regarding the "per area" case and will come back to you when I have more information.


                      • #11
                        Hello david.anastacio

                        Thank you very much for your time and efforts to provide the necessary information to replicate the issue on our side. It is classified as a bug (HOU-3914) and escalated to the Development team for further inspection and resolution.

                        I’ll get back to you as soon as we have any updates.


                        • #12
                          Hi viktor_angelov​,

                          I actually forgot one more thing here. It would also be really great, if vray fur could be generated from packed geo (alembics).


                          • #13
                            Originally posted by ronald_a View Post
                            Hi viktor_angelov​,

                            I actually forgot one more thing here. It would also be really great, if vray could be generated from packed geo (alembics).
                            +1000 on this one
                            David Anastácio // Accenture Song - VFX


                            • #14
                              Hello ronald_a

                              Thank you for the proposed feature. Currently, V-Ray Fur works as expected within the Alembic File Format when unpacked. We highly appreciate the experience of our users and we would like to know why would you prefer to avoid unpacking the geometry.

                              david.anastacio, Thank you for joining. Please, feel free to give us examples as well.


                              • #15
                                V-Ray Fur works as expected within the Alembic File Format when unpacked.
                                I would't call that "works as expected within the Alembic Format".... That statement is very incorrect/false, those are polygons, not Alembics! And as polygons they have to go somewhere when rendering via standalone, that somewhere are the .vrscene files, and unpacking certain geometries can lead to very big .vrscene files and lengthier export times, this is something that should always be avoided!

                                David Anastácio // Accenture Song - VFX

