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install vray for houidini 20.5

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  • install vray for houidini 20.5

    Is it possible to install vray for houdini 20.5?
    Can any one tell me which version to install?

  • #2
    Hello joon_lee You can find V-Ray for Houdini 20.5 here: - Log in with your username/password. If you don't see any Houdini builds, please Submit a request ​to our system and we will provide you access.


    • #3
      Hi, I downloaded the install file but it says there's no directory? I have houdini 20.5.370 installed.


      • #4
        Hi joon_lee When installing V-Ray please make sure the Houdini Package directory is correctly stated. You might need to write the Houdini build manually. Please, find the attached image useful.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	455
Size:	478.8 KB
ID:	1218266


        • #5

          Sorry for being ignorant - I did get it to install but then I get these messages in vray...


          • #6
            Hello joon_lee It seems like V-Ray is detected but is not completed. I assume that there are some leftover files from a previous installation that gets on the way.

            Please, perform an Uninstall of V-Ray by following this article:
            Keep in mind there are folders you would need to check for leftover files.

            Then, please, install the build you want and give it a try.

            If it still does not work as expected, please Submit a request to our system, with a Request type Technical Assistance starting a product.


            • #7
              Thank you
              I downgraded my houdini to 20.5.332 and it's loading vray fine.


              • #8
                Thank you for letting me know joon_lee


                • #9
                  Hi! I am also looking for a Vray build to install on Houdini 20.5.370. Installing the latest stable version like OP did not work with the same errors ("Warning: Bad operator type when binding handles: Object/VRayNodeSunLight" etc. and also "Vray Python 3.11 module is not found!").

                  Unluckily, I cannot downgrade to another version of Houdini because conflicts with other software would occur.

                  Could you give me an estimate when a version for the newer builds of Houdini will be released?


                  • #10
                    Ah, my fault. I looked in the Vray 6 stables folder.
                    It seems I cannot access the nightly folder for Vray 6.


                    • #11
                      Hey bibi5000 ,

                      The latest stable builds support Houdini up to version 20.5.332. This is the reason you're getting the error messages.
                      We'll update the stables this week with support for 20.5.370 and 20.5.410.

                      If you don't want to wait or downgrade to 20.5.332, please send a ticket to our support team requesting access to the nightly/nightly builds for V-Ray 6 for Houdini. You can find the form here:

                      Best regards!


                      • #12
                        Hi Gosho,
                        thank you for the quick reply, I have sent a message to the support team.


                        • #13
                          Hi. There has been a new Houdini version 20.5.445 for a couple of weeks, but I don't see any V-Ray version supporting this in the nightlies section. I suppose all the effort is going into the new V-Ray 7, but in the meantime, can we get an updated version of V-Ray 6.2?


                          • #14
                            V-Ray 6 nightlies are stopped, important fixes are going to stable-nightlies only.
                            Both stable nightly ( and the last uploaded nightly ( contain support for 20.5.445.
                            V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene
                            Support Request

