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VRay Materials not Working with Heightfield Scatter.

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  • VRay Materials not Working with Heightfield Scatter.

    I'm not having any luck getting my Heightfield Scatter meshes to render with their Vray materials. They render with materials using Mantra and Houdini mats.
    I've tried using Vray Proxies, Alembic, and FBXs with vray materials applied with no luck.

    I've used vray for years with Maya but am pretty new to Houdini so it could totally be something I'm missing.
    Curious if anyone else has had this issue.

    I'm using vray official release 41203 for Houdini 17.5.293 on Windows 10 (GPU: 2x RTX 2070)

  • #2
    Hey there,

    sending the Hip file over would be the fastest way for us to find out what the problem might be. There is no reason for V-Ray not to render your objects - the output of the Heightfield Scatter is packed primitives, which is certainly supported.

    I've tried using Vray Proxies, Alembic, and FBXs with vray materials applied with no luck.
    That should also work.

    I've uploaded a scene here ( showing how you can go about assigning materials. Hope it helps.


    • #3
      Hey... Thanks for the file. I'll take a look later and see if I can figure anything out and I'll send a hip if I'm still having issues.
      Appreciate the help!


      • #4
        Ok I did some tests. First I confirmed with your hip file that I had stuff setup right and mine should be working. Then I setup this test scene and realized that the issue is NOT the material but it's the textures. Altering the color on the material works as expected across the board but the textures do not. This whole issue also seems related to my other post about materials only rendering on the CPU. I've attached a jpg with a breakdown of my test resutls and here is a link to my houdini project with the hip, fbx, and textures I used for the test.
        These results seem really wierd so I'm super curious what's going on.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	vraynotes.jpg
Views:	419
Size:	284.8 KB
ID:	1047128


        • #5
          Hello morganmcd , I've downloaded the scene and the textures and I have no problem to render them on GPU. The only thing that I changed is where normal map is connected, I connected it in "additional_bump" input of BRDFBump input connection.
          Houdini 17.5.293 and 17.5.327 with official VFH build and last stable nightly.
          Georgy Chakarov | QA


          • #6
            Ok, thanks for looking into it.

