I found a rather strange bug with VrayTwoSided materials. I have a setup where different flowers get assigned different colors. That works fine with a simple VrayMtl but as soon as I add a Vray2Sided material behind that it breaks the color assignment. I need to restart Houdini for it to work again. I attached a scene for reproducing the problem below. The important nodes are colored pink.
Steps to reproduce:
1) open the scene and hit render, flowers should have different colors.
2) go into obj/grass/ , deactivate the "petalsbase" material node and activate "petals2sided" directly below. Hit render again, the flower petals are now all white.
3) deactivate "petals2sided" and activate "petalsbase" again, hit render. The flowers stay white.
Steps to reproduce:
1) open the scene and hit render, flowers should have different colors.
2) go into obj/grass/ , deactivate the "petalsbase" material node and activate "petals2sided" directly below. Hit render again, the flower petals are now all white.
3) deactivate "petals2sided" and activate "petalsbase" again, hit render. The flowers stay white.