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Filecache and Motion Blur

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  • Filecache and Motion Blur

    Hello guys,
    I have an agent after crowd sim. I intend it to render it with motion blur. It works fine until I cache it.
    The same with animated fur.
    I expected that filecache essentially holds the same info as the cached node. Can I somehow get the motion blur to work?
    I am using H19.383 and Vray 5.10.20 on Linux (PopOS).

  • #2
    Hello woytha ,in order to get motion blur on moving cached meshes you need either to export whole animation in one abc/cache file, either to provide velocity attribute if you want to cache animation per frame. If this does not help, can you upload a simple scene of your scenario.
    Georgy Chakarov | QA


    • #3
      Originally posted by chakarov View Post
      Hello woytha ,in order to get motion blur on moving cached meshes you need either to export whole animation in one abc/cache file, either to provide velocity attribute if you want to cache animation per frame. If this does not help, can you upload a simple scene of your scenario.
      Hm, at the end it was something with camera... Not sure what, though. I ended up to recreated new camera with basically same settings and it works fine now (even without computed velocities!)

