We have had some issues when enabling rayser instancer on grass patches. What happens is that when switching to rayserver it seems like the GI becomes way to bright though in this example no GI is enabled so it is something else. Im trying to hunt down the issue and this is a thing i found when tried to simplify the problem.
with rayserver instancer on:

with rayserver instancer off:

V-Ray for Houdini number:17471 hash:9829c89 from 24 Nov 2021 03:02 (build number:17471)
V-Ray Core 5.10.20 [fa5088d8] from 11 Nov 2021
with rayserver instancer on:
with rayserver instancer off:
V-Ray for Houdini number:17471 hash:9829c89 from 24 Nov 2021 03:02 (build number:17471)
V-Ray Core 5.10.20 [fa5088d8] from 11 Nov 2021