I'm with the latest update of vray 5.2 and first problem I found is if I change the value in the atmospherics contribution paramenter of a light while IPR is rendering the fog effect totally dissapears.
For example I have a value of 1 and when I change it to 100 the effect goes away. If I stop IPR and restart it the effect render ok.
BTW I miss a button to restart the IPR instead of clicking stop and then start again.
I'm with the latest update of vray 5.2 and first problem I found is if I change the value in the atmospherics contribution paramenter of a light while IPR is rendering the fog effect totally dissapears.
For example I have a value of 1 and when I change it to 100 the effect goes away. If I stop IPR and restart it the effect render ok.
BTW I miss a button to restart the IPR instead of clicking stop and then start again.