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*SOLARIS* hair width and hair settings

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  • *SOLARIS* hair width and hair settings

    1. where do i find hair/strand settings in solaris?

    2. width give 2x to thick strand in vray solaris compared to old vray and karma

    Click image for larger version

Name:	hair_width_old_vray.png
Views:	712
Size:	127.1 KB
ID:	1136981Click image for larger version

Name:	hair_width_solaris.png
Views:	648
Size:	625.6 KB
ID:	1136982

    V-Ray for Houdini number:19358 hash:b65e856 from 17 Jan 2022 03:26 (build number:1935
    V-Ray Core 5.20.20 [98c908c8] from 21 Dec 2021

    houdini 19.0.455
    linux centos7
    Attached Files

  • #2
    hello again!

    hair width is correct now, thanks!

    Gosho.Genchev and I talked a bit aboutthe hair settings and i wanted to feedback on them to see what you guys think

    Click image for larger version

Name:	hair_settings.png
Views:	620
Size:	13.1 KB
ID:	1137215

    1. *width mult* - seems totally unecessary
    2. *tesselation* - gosho said something about settings these things in usd instead. would you mind showing a noob like me
    3. *min. pixel width* - we use this one so it would be nice to have it in the render geometry settings under the hair tab maybe
    3. *render as smooth curves* - same as 2
    4. *width in pixels* - we dont use this one but could go under the vray/tab
    5. *generate W coord* - guess we dont need this anymore? dont think we use this one

    Regards Alexis


    • #3
      All of those options are already in the Hair tab of the render geometry settings. As usual you have to recreate the node after new options are added to the ui (the way Solaris works... may be there is force update of the UI but I'm not aware of it).
      V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene
      Support Request


      • #4
        bdancer cool! Sorry that i missed that one!


        • #5
          continuing this thread a bit about curves and hair.

          Right now the hair tab doesnt seem to do anything and vray doesnt seem to know how to read interpolated curves. So right now there is no way to do it that i can find.

          Im uploading some examples that would be nice to get working

          karma vray
          Click image for larger version

Name:	karma_bezier.png
Views:	566
Size:	135.4 KB
ID:	1137414Click image for larger version

Name:	vray_bezier.png
Views:	559
Size:	144.0 KB
ID:	1137415

          another issue is also that vray seems ro render the strands from hairgen longer. I included an example in the hip file

          karma vray
          Click image for larger version

Name:	karma.png
Views:	561
Size:	256.4 KB
ID:	1137418Click image for larger version

Name:	vray.png
Views:	560
Size:	307.0 KB
ID:	1137419

          V-Ray for Houdini number:19508 hash:babd98a from 20 Jan 2022 16:06 (build number:1950
          V-Ray Core 5.20.20 [4c3e2fea] from 17 Jan 2022

          houdini 19.0.455
          linux centos7

          Attached Files


          • #6
            The width multiplier is not in the hair tab any more, what is the current way of multiplying it? Thanks!
            Hristo Velev
            MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
            Sofia, Bulgaria


            • #7
              glacierise I can see the width multiplier in the hair tab on render geometry settings. Though i recommend to use as much usd as possible. If you instead change the @width attribute you get the correct thickness in karma and vray. Ill attach an image below.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	widths.png
Views:	381
Size:	1.15 MB
ID:	1181653


              • #8
                Hah yes thanks, I'm still in a bit of a packed disk primitive mode, afraid to touch these geometry attributes at render time Will do the attribute route, thanks!

                Though weirdly, I updated vray to a recent build, 22410 from May 19 2023, and I still don't see it. Nevermind, will go the attribute route.

                EDIT: Hm, checked that - modifying that attribute actually does cause the USD layer to save the widths, making the file bigger. Yes it's not time sampled, but still... Would be great to have the render geometry property working.
                Last edited by glacierise; 24-05-2023, 01:33 AM.
                Hristo Velev
                MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
                Sofia, Bulgaria


                • #9
                  hehe yeah, i would encourage it though its very cool to be able to access everything all the time in usd which will open up alot of possibilities

                  About the width mult ill attach an image below to see we are talking about the same thing. Im on 19.5 and latest nightly. In solaris the parameter dont get force updated like in legacy so you need to dropdown a new render geometry settings to get new parameters.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	width_mult.png
Views:	453
Size:	41.6 KB
ID:	1181656


                  • #10
                    Yes that place - looks still like this to me:
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	362
Size:	50.8 KB
ID:	1181658
                    Hristo Velev
                    MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
                    Sofia, Bulgaria


                    • #11
                      > Yes that place - looks still like this to me

                      1. Well, you have to update I guess...
                      2. Are you looking at the existing node or created a new one? Solaris never updates UI automatically - you have to recreate the node if any settings were changed.
                      Last edited by bdancer; 25-05-2023, 01:15 AM.
                      V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene
                      Support Request


                      • #12
                        New one. Weird, build is from only two weeks ago.
                        Hristo Velev
                        MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
                        Sofia, Bulgaria

