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RenderFarm File Loading issue

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  • RenderFarm File Loading issue

    HI All,

    We are switching from 3dsmax to Houdini recently.
    There is an issue that our render farm machines start rendering even some files are not loaded, leading to randomly missing models/textures.

    A little background of our setup:
    Workstations and render farm are using Houdini 19.0 and Vray 5
    The rendering management software is Deadline.
    We store models (mostly Alembic file) and textures (exr udim) on two separate local-network machines, and the network speed is not very fast.
    Vray for 3dsmax has no such problem at all.

    I would like to know if there is some kind of settings we can set to prevent the problem.

    Thank you for your time.

    edit 1:
    I take a look of Deadline logging. When the files are missing, there will be a warning message:
    V-Ray: Bitmap file "\\xxx/xxx/xxx.exr" failed to load: cannot open file:[LoadImageFile] 1: Failed to open file: no such file

    Is there anyway to stop the renderer if missing files, or to reload the file?
    Last edited by freed-kenneth; 31-07-2022, 09:42 PM.

  • #2
    > V-Ray: Bitmap file "\\xxx/xxx/xxx.exr" failed to load: cannot open file:[LoadImageFile] 1: Failed to open file: no such file

    So, is this location reachable from the render node?

    > Is there anyway to stop the renderer if missing files

    ROP -> Renderer -> Options -> Rendering -> Abort Rendering On Missing Asset

    > or to reload the file?


    V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene
    Support Request


    • #3
      Originally posted by bdancer View Post
      So, is this location reachable from the render node?
      Yes, all the path are reachable. And I noticed that It's very likely to happen if too many machines are trying to render at the same time.

      Originally posted by bdancer View Post
      ROP -> Renderer -> Options -> Rendering -> Abort Rendering On Missing Asset
      Thank you, this might be helpful.


      • #4
        Originally posted by bdancer View Post
        ROP -> Renderer -> Options -> Rendering -> Abort Rendering On Missing Asset
        After few tests, I can confirm texture missing doesn't count as missing asset.


        • #5
          > After few tests, I can confirm texture missing doesn't count as missing asset.

          It should count. Are we talking UDIM or file names with tags/frame number?
          You could also try setting VRAY_UNC_TIMEOUT env. var. on your render nodes to some higher value then 5000 (timeout in milliseconds).

          V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene

          Support Request


          • #6
            Originally posted by bdancer View Post
            It should count. Are we talking UDIM or file names with tags/frame number?
            Yes you're right, it's UDIM textures with tags. And only one or few frames of UDIM missing when happening.

            Originally posted by bdancer View Post
            You could also try setting VRAY_UNC_TIMEOUT env. var. on your render nodes to some higher value then 5000 (timeout in milliseconds).
            OK, I will try it.


            • #7
              We are just experiencing this issue now.
              Exact same symptoms as OP.


              • #8
                Unfortunately we're not able to solve the problem, I hope this thread can raise the awareness for the developers.

                For those who might not understand, I attached this video to illustrate the issue better.
                18 frames of UDIM projected on a plane.
                Last edited by freed-kenneth; 07-09-2022, 09:25 PM.


                • #9
                  For us the environment variable seems to have fixed the issue. I set it to 10 sec instead of 5.
                  Since doing that we haven't seen the issue again.
                  I don't know why it would be timing out - our NAS is usually extremely fast. Especially cached files are served up in milliseconds.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dubbie99 View Post
                    For us the environment variable seems to have fixed the issue. I set it to 10 sec instead of 5.
                    Since doing that we haven't seen the issue again.
                    I don't know why it would be timing out - our NAS is usually extremely fast. Especially cached files are served up in milliseconds.
                    Thanks for posting that!
                    I'll definitely check again.


                    • #11
                      Just another data point on this issue.
                      Checking on "Low priority thread" also seems to solve this problem.


                      • #12
                        bdancer could this help on linux as well? We got the sporadic error where textures randomly doesnt load for some objects in the scenes on random frames


                        • #13
                          > could this help on linux as well?

                          No, timeout is Windows only.
                          V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene
                          Support Request


                          • #14
                            May I know if there's any update about this issues? This really affect the the production speed and i am thinking if Vray is not ready for proper VFX production....


                            • #15
                              Hey juleslin ,

                              Could you please take a look at the info in the Red warning box here:
                              Hopefully it's the same issue.

                              Best regards!

