I found several Bugs or strange behavior.
I use following Vray Version: V-Ray for Houdini number:22132 hash:4344ab5 from 20 Aug 2022 01:37
V-Ray Core 5.20.24 [493f4a2c] from 15 Aug 2022
First Bug:
When I use the Vray Deadline submitter it won't submit any "Command Line Args".
The AWS Submitter does it. (Attachment)
Secound Bug:
If I submit a vrscene to Deadline with the Vray submitter it asks me to put in the ${F} expression into the export name. The thing is that i didn't checked "write seperate files" in the ROP export settings. If I denied it givs me an error.
If i put in the ${FBATCH} it works. But if I export for a secound time it asks me again to put in the ${F} expression ("write seperate files" still not checked).
I think it should ask you to put in the ${F} expression when "Seperate Files" is checked and if it is unchecked it should ask for the ${FBATCH}. And of course it should not ask again if already a expression exists.
Third Bug:
I read the documentation(https://docs.chaos.com/display/VRAYHOUDINI/Export+Tab) about VRSCENES and VDB. My question is am I doing something wrong or is it not the same behaviour with geometry?
I tought you can use Material SOPs, Transform SOPs and Merge SOPs with Pack Disk Primitives? Or am I wrong?
If I now export the Scene as VRSCENE it takes ages to export 40/50 Secs per Frame and it also uses 2 GB of Space per Frame.
Is that a bug or it's me no knowing how to deal with it
I think it must be that the transform SOP is animated because Motion Blur is not the Problem. If I make the Transform static it works as expected. Anybody having a workaround?
By the Way, Scene is here and it includes all three bugs:
I found several Bugs or strange behavior.
I use following Vray Version: V-Ray for Houdini number:22132 hash:4344ab5 from 20 Aug 2022 01:37
V-Ray Core 5.20.24 [493f4a2c] from 15 Aug 2022
First Bug:
When I use the Vray Deadline submitter it won't submit any "Command Line Args".
The AWS Submitter does it. (Attachment)
Secound Bug:
If I submit a vrscene to Deadline with the Vray submitter it asks me to put in the ${F} expression into the export name. The thing is that i didn't checked "write seperate files" in the ROP export settings. If I denied it givs me an error.
If i put in the ${FBATCH} it works. But if I export for a secound time it asks me again to put in the ${F} expression ("write seperate files" still not checked).
I think it should ask you to put in the ${F} expression when "Seperate Files" is checked and if it is unchecked it should ask for the ${FBATCH}. And of course it should not ask again if already a expression exists.
Third Bug:
I read the documentation(https://docs.chaos.com/display/VRAYHOUDINI/Export+Tab) about VRSCENES and VDB. My question is am I doing something wrong or is it not the same behaviour with geometry?
I tought you can use Material SOPs, Transform SOPs and Merge SOPs with Pack Disk Primitives? Or am I wrong?
If I now export the Scene as VRSCENE it takes ages to export 40/50 Secs per Frame and it also uses 2 GB of Space per Frame.
Is that a bug or it's me no knowing how to deal with it

I think it must be that the transform SOP is animated because Motion Blur is not the Problem. If I make the Transform static it works as expected. Anybody having a workaround?
By the Way, Scene is here and it includes all three bugs: