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Fur not working?

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  • Fur not working?

    I am trying to get fur to work and I tried a simple test scene with a pighead easy and attached fur via the "Add Fur" shelve button.
    The pig renders in vray without the fur.

    The mantra rop version works fine.

    I am not allowed to attach hiplc files, so I packed it into a rar.
    I tried a few Houdini versions. But the attached test was Houdini 19.0.455.

    Well, a really simple example scene would be helpful.

    I tried to follow the setup outlined in:
    but there is not much to see except that it is working.

    THX in advance.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hey bumba ,

    All 3-rd party render engines in Houdini need the Generate option to be set to "Use SOP Geometry" - the default is "Generate in Mantra" which will produce the hair on the fly.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	houdini_2022-10-04_14-10-25.png
Views:	145
Size:	16.7 KB
ID:	1161393

    With Houdini 19.5, SideFX added a Hair Procedural in Solaris that is open to all integrations so you could give that a shot if you don't want to cache the hairs to e.g. alembics. This procedural will work with V-Ray and generate hair geometry on the fly.

    Best regards!


    • #3
      Ahhh, thank you Geosho. It wooooorks.
      I guess this is emberassing

