V-Ray for Houdini number:22114 hash:3bee253 from 03 Aug 2022 17:10
V-Ray Core 5.20.24 [78921176] from 28 Jul 2022
Granted we're on an old version right now - but Im just wondering if there were or are known issues regarding non-relevant Houdini scene geometry adding additional time to vrscene generation time? ie I have a subnet that is not being called by the vrscene generation - but its causing the vrscenegen time to go from max 10 seconds to 3m/frame. This is geo that should be entirely ignored by vray. Does this sound plausible?
V-Ray Core 5.20.24 [78921176] from 28 Jul 2022
Granted we're on an old version right now - but Im just wondering if there were or are known issues regarding non-relevant Houdini scene geometry adding additional time to vrscene generation time? ie I have a subnet that is not being called by the vrscene generation - but its causing the vrscenegen time to go from max 10 seconds to 3m/frame. This is geo that should be entirely ignored by vray. Does this sound plausible?