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Displacement issues

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  • Displacement issues

    There seems to be a displacement inconsistency with Vray compared to just displacing the mesh in Houdini and I can't figure out why.

    I've displaced a mesh with the Cd attribute from a displaced ocean surface and a separate grid with the color loaded into a Vray image file and then into a displacement node. but the differences are very noticeable.

    Here is an example of what I'm talking about, this is causing a problem because I'm trying to match a flip sim to the displaced surface, but with the difference in displacement I can't get it to work. I've also attached a scene to make it easier to debug.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Displacemet Issue.png
Views:	229
Size:	2.80 MB
ID:	1197182

    Attached Files

  • #2
    So after further investigation, it looks like the reason is because Houdini displacement works like this:

    RED = X Axis displacement
    GREEN = Y Axis Displacement (Vray does this as well)
    BLUE = Z Axis Displacement

    So Vray vector displacement is doing something different because if I remove the Green and Red Channels there is still displacement on the Y axis and that's the same for Blue and Green.

    I can't seem to get Vray to displace the mesh on the X or Z axis, I've tried all the vector modes.

    Is this a Bug or am I missing something?


    • #3
      Okay, I'm an idiot, the problem was I had Vray sub div properties on my geometry node and it was overriding my material displacement settings where I was making all the changes.


      • #4
        Hi chadstevens Thank you for letting us know you have figured it out. Enjoy your time with V-Ray

