Hi there, I'm having an issue where Vray is not rendering the sub-material in a material builder.
For example, I have a single geo node with a sphere and a box and I want them to have their own materials.
If I create a Vray Material Builder and create a material for the box and the sphere and assign it to a material node in sops, it only uses one of the materials. I think this is a BUG.
The way I've gotten around this till now is to use a PatternID node and the name attribute to apply to sub-objects in SOPs
The main problem is when I take it to Solaris this doesn't work, but strangely enough the first method does.
So I can't get consistent results.
For Non-Solaris (SOPS): I have to use PatternID
For Solaris I have to assign the sub-material in the material builder to the components individually.
I would like both these methods to work if possible.
Let me know if I'm doing something wrong.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate my problem.
I've also included a Hip File.
Houdini 19.5.605
V-Ray for Houdini number:22528 hash:aa5d38d from 03 Oct 2023 00:57
V-Ray Core 6.10.20 [b1a7ffe9] from 2 Oct 2023

For example, I have a single geo node with a sphere and a box and I want them to have their own materials.
If I create a Vray Material Builder and create a material for the box and the sphere and assign it to a material node in sops, it only uses one of the materials. I think this is a BUG.
The way I've gotten around this till now is to use a PatternID node and the name attribute to apply to sub-objects in SOPs
The main problem is when I take it to Solaris this doesn't work, but strangely enough the first method does.
So I can't get consistent results.
For Non-Solaris (SOPS): I have to use PatternID
For Solaris I have to assign the sub-material in the material builder to the components individually.
I would like both these methods to work if possible.
Let me know if I'm doing something wrong.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate my problem.
I've also included a Hip File.
Houdini 19.5.605
V-Ray for Houdini number:22528 hash:aa5d38d from 03 Oct 2023 00:57
V-Ray Core 6.10.20 [b1a7ffe9] from 2 Oct 2023