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Stop VFB render from overriding render images - similar to Maya's render animation only in batch mode

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  • Stop VFB render from overriding render images - similar to Maya's render animation only in batch mode


    I’ve noticed that when I perform a render in the VFB (not IPR), it overwrites my saved images on disk. I’m trying to find a way to prevent the VFB from saving rendered images automatically, similar to how Maya's Vray Render animation only in batch mode

    Could you please guide me on how to stop the VFB from saving images to disk? I would prefer that they only save during an actual deadline or batch render.

    Thank you for your assistance!​

  • #2
    Why not just uncheck file path?


    • #3
      Here's the link to the documentation of how to render with Deadline:


      • #4
        It is a bit annoying to have to check/uncheck that option and maya's option is indeed a welcome solution here I've also requested it.

        For the time being what we do is duplicate the vrayRender rop as a reference by pressing ctrl+shift+alt lmb drag. It essentially copies your rop with all the connections wired to the original rop. After that you can ctrl click on a given channel you wish to modify in that instanced rop, such as save image button and uncheck it. So in essence I have 2 rops, main render rop that I submit to deadline and a work render rop which i tweak settings. Since they are referenced all the changes propagate to the main rop.

        It looks like this
        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	62
Size:	21.9 KB
ID:	1218188
        Dmitry Vinnik
        Silhouette Images Inc.

