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Chaos Cosmos Integration

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  • Chaos Cosmos Integration

    I find the current integration of chaos cosmos to be very difficult and almost unusable for my projects.

    The paths are not normal and this makes rendering on a render farm a big issue. The materials that are generated are also a mess of nodes that do not make any sense to me. (See attached)

    The thing that I find strange is that the integration in 3ds max makes much more sense. It's clean, the imported models and material paths are exactly as you would expect, the materials themselves are very straight forward and this makes updating or changing assets much simpler.

    Can we get a similar integration in Houdini?

    I've attached a few examples.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Material comparison 3ds max vs Houdini.jpg
Views:	231
Size:	1,002.1 KB
ID:	1225820 Click image for larger version

Name:	Model Comparison - 3ds max.jpg
Views:	140
Size:	741.6 KB
ID:	1225821 Click image for larger version

Name:	Model Comparison - Houdini.jpg
Views:	145
Size:	834.5 KB
ID:	1225822
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi chadstevens We have done this on purpose so the compatibility in the scenes is kept. This allows you to send the file to someone or move the scene to another OS without it breaking.


    • #3
      Originally posted by viktor_angelov View Post
      Hi chadstevens We have done this on purpose so the compatibility in the scenes is kept. This allows you to send the file to someone or move the scene to another OS without it breaking.
      Thank you for taking the time to reply, but, it's a different and better implementation in 3ds max.

      I currently can't render my project on a render farm because they don't support this method.
      We all have to take care of our assets anyway, so transferring to another member of our organization is already something we have to take into account.

      We would just use a server and use an environment variable that points to our assets, like $ASSETS or $HIP.

      The implementation in Houdini, is unusable for us.

      I've had to manually import all the assets into 3ds max, extract the material data, import it into Houdini and apply to the imported vrmesh that I've placed from the documents/chaos folder. It's been very frustrating and time consuming.

      Can we please at least have an option in the Chaos Cosmos browser to chose how we want the files linked?

      The render farm we're using collects assets based on their location on disk and zips them up into an archive, but because the Chaos assets are encrypted paths they cannot be found and therefore are not transferred.

      Thanks you.


      • #4
        Hi chadstevens Thank you for the extensive feedback! I have shared it with the team and they are currently evaluating the matter. We will contact you once we have more information to share.


        • #5
          viktor_angelov Thanks very much, I appreciate the support.


