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Vray 7.00.10 Hython error

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  • Vray 7.00.10 Hython error

    Hi there, I'm trying to create some vrscene files using hython. The process is as follows, I have a python script that takes a Houdini scene file and a rop node path and just calls the "render" function of the rop node.
    I call that python script with hython executable and pass in my arguments. However, when I run hython I get the following error. The script continues executing but there is no vrscene generation.
    One other odd thing I noted is that when I print the node type of the vray rop node, it's output as a "merge" node, I'm assuming this is why nothing gets generated. I have confirmed that the rop node is vray_renderer.
    When I export and render interactively from the houdini UI everything works as expected. Also running vray standalone on a interactively generated vrscene works as well.

    Here is a summary of system/versions.

    OS: Linux Rocky 9.3
    Houdini: 20.5.487
    V-Ray for Houdini hash:6cf69be from 28 Jan 2025 16:36
    V-Ray Core 7.00.10 [125d49e9] from 23 Jan 2025​

    Traceback from Unhandled Exception Loading /array/X/Library/renderer/vray/70010/houdini/houdini20.5.487/vfh_home/dso_py311/20.5.487/ <unknown exception type>
    utCallFunc(char const*, void (*)(void*), void*) [clone .cold] <>
    UT_DSO::run(char const*, void*, bool) <>
    OP_OperatorTable::runDSOInstall() <>
    OP_Network::getOperatorTable(UT_StringRef const&, char const*) <>
    MGR_Node::buildRopTable(char const*) <>
    MOT_Director::MOT_Director(UT_StringHolder const&, bool, bool, bool) <>
    HOMF_Module::createHoudiniInternals() <>
    _wrap___createHoudiniInternals <>
    cfunction_vectorcall_NOARGS <>
    PyObject_Vectorcall.localalias <>
    _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault.localalias <>
    _PyEval_Vector <>
    PyEval_EvalCode.localalias <>
    builtin_exec <>
    cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL_KEYWORDS <>
    _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault.localalias <>
    _PyFunction_Vectorcall.localalias <>
    object_vacall <>
    PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs.localalias <>
    PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject.localalias <>
    _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault.localalias <>
    _PyEval_Vector <>
    PyEval_EvalCode.localalias <>
    run_eval_code_obj <>
    run_mod <>
    PyRun_StringFlags.localalias (pythonrun.c:1601)
    PyRun_SimpleStringFlags.localalias <>
    pyInitializePython(bool) <>
    PYmakeSurePythonIsInitialized(bool) <>
    PY_BaseInterpreterAutoLock::PY_BaseInterpreterAutoLock(bool) <>
    [0x40c44e] <hython-bin>
    [0x40ad67] <hython-bin>
    __libc_start_call_main <>
    __libc_start_main_alias_2 <>
    [0x40ad9c] <hython-bin>

  • #2
    Hey john_morch ,

    I'd wager V-Ray is not loaded when you're calling Hython.
    1) Are you using the package system or setting up the environment variables yourself?
    2) Are you doing "source houdini_setup" from $HFS prior to calling Hython?

    Our automated tests use the same approach - calling hython to work with pre-prepared HIP files. Our Linux tests are passing so it must be something with the environment on your end.
    I suppose you could try "import os; print(os.environ())" in the hython process to check if the V-Ray related variables are present at all.
    If you don't see them - a random guess I have is that maybe you've installed V-Ray for the shared 20.5 symlink folder under /opt/ and the vray_for_houdini.json file that loads the V-Ray data is present under the packages folder there --> but you're instead calling hython from the folder of the specific 20.5.487 version.

    Best regards!


    • #3

      I just realized I've missed the first line in the traceback - this error I've seen when I've ended up loading a plugin more than once - I recall it happening when I've got the JSON file present in multiple locations - could you please try looking into the /documents/houdini20.5/packages folder, the shared /opt/hfs20.5/packages folder, and the /opt/hfs20.5.487/packages folder to make sure the vray_for_houdini.json file is only present in only one of these locations?

      best regards!


      • #4
        Gosho.Genchev Thanks for the suggestions.
        1. I'm using rez to create the Houdini and Vray for Houdini environments. I'm not using the vray_for_houdini.json. But, I actually did try using that file,, and added an entry for 20.5.487 and removing my rez environment for vray for houdini to see if that would fix the issue, but I ran into the same problem.
        2. I am not sourcing houdini_setup. It wasn't an issue with vray 6.20.23 running hython and generating vrscene files. Perhaps worth a shot.
        3. I checked the folders mentioned and there is no vray_for_houdini.json located there.​
        Here is the environment for vray from the hython process.

        ('VRAY_OSL_PATH', '/array/X/Library/renderer/vray/70010/houdini/houdini20.5.487/appsdk/bin')
        ('VRAY_UI_DS_PATH', '/array/X/Library/renderer/vray/70010/houdini/houdini20.5.487/ui')
        ('VRAY_FOR_HOUDINI_APPSDK_BIN', '/array/X/Library/renderer/vray/70010/houdini/houdini20.5.487/appsdk/bin')
        ('VFH_ASSET_PATH', '[MTLLIB_DOWNLOAD_DIR]/assets')
        ('VRAY_SDK', '/array/X/Library/renderer/vray/70010/houdini/houdini20.5.487/appsdk')
        ('VRAY_APPSDK', '/array/X/Library/renderer/vray/70010/houdini/houdini20.5.487/appsdk')
        ('VFH_DSO_PATH', '/array/X/Library/renderer/vray/70010/houdini/houdini20.5.487/vfh_home/dso_py311/20.5.487')
        ('VRAY_AUTH_CLIENT_FILE_PATH', '/array/X/Library/licenses/Chaos2/vray/lic-01')
        ('VFH_HOME', '/array/X/Library/renderer/vray/70010/houdini/houdini20.5.487/vfh_home')
        ('HOUDINI_DSO_PATH', '/array/X/Library/renderer/vray/70010/houdini/houdini20.5.487/vfh_home/dso_py311/20.5.487:&')
        ('VRAY_UI_DS_VRAY61', '1')
        ('HOUDINI_PATH', '/opt/hfs20.5.487/packages/sculpt:/opt/hfs20.5.487/packages/kinefx:/opt/hfs20.5.487/packages/apex_cop:/opt/hfs20.5.487/packages/apex:/home/loneill/packages/dm_houdini_core/1.0.2/python/deadline:/home/loneill/packages/dm_houdini_core/1.0.2/menu:/home/loneill/packages/dm_houdini_core/1.0.2:/array/X/Library/renderer/vray/70010/houdini/houdini20.5.487/vfh_home:&')

        This setup works fine for 6.20.23 and houdini 19.5.605. The only addition, environment wise for 7.00.10, is VRAY_FOR_HOUDINI_APPSDK_BIN.
        I'll try narrowing down the rez dependencies and see if I can get any more information that way.
        Let me know if there is anything else that I can try. Thanks.​
        Last edited by john_morch; 04-03-2025, 08:48 AM.


        • #5

          Some updates.
          1. I tried 6.20.25 with Houdini 20.5.487 and that works, vrscenes are generated as expected, and the standalone render works and renders as expected.
          2. I tried the minimal rez environment, just houdini and vray for houdini and that gave the same error.

