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Toon Render Element Channel in Solaris?

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  • Toon Render Element Channel in Solaris?

    Is it possible to render toon channel separately as AOV in Solaris? I the regular workflow I make the vraytoon in the env and check "toon render elements only". I looked at the vray standard rendervars and cannot find a "toon" channel...

    I have been able to hack a toon channel by creating a seprate solaris render branch and just applying a flat white material. I would prefer to have the exr come out together for compositing...

    Any help or advice is appreciated. Thank you

  • #2
    A related question would be, how can one add toon lines per primitive or exclude certain primitives in Solaris?


    • #3
      Hey marc_cacciola ,

      There's a demo scene and a short guide on working with toon in Solaris here:

      As to the Toon AOV - the name for the RenderVar prim would be "toon" - I've attached a screenshot and the example scene. We'll update the Standard Render Vars LOP, thank you for the heads up!

      Click image for larger version

Name:	houdinifx_2025-01-07_12-10-15.png
Views:	65
Size:	562.5 KB
ID:	1224163

      Best regards!
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Thank you Gosho! Thats is almost what I meant but to make it clearer I do not want the toon visible in the beauty pass only as an AOV so that the toon effect can be added and adjusted in post. In your file I still see the toon effect in the Beauty pass. This is possible in the old/ non Solaris workflow....
        Last edited by marc_cacciola; 07-01-2025, 10:14 AM.


        • #5
          Oh I figured it out, in the material override I can check the "Toon Render Elements Only"
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2025-01-07 091316.png
Views:	49
Size:	450.3 KB
ID:	1224244


          • #6
            A follow up to this would be. In Solaris how does the "Include/Exclude" workflow work? In this workflow every material has to have a usd_env_toon added, before this was added as an environment seprately and objects could be included or excluded.


            • #7
              Hey marc_cacciola ,

              Indeed, node lists for material/shading effects are quite tricky to handle with Hydra as you need the viewport rendering to be able to run continuously. Thus we opted to provide a material-based workflow for the Toon effect, just like other integrators.

              > before this was added as an environment seprately and objects could be included or excluded

              If you need to replicate the 'vanilla' Houdini workflow, may I suggest simply enabling Toon on the Render Settings LOP - this will apply it to all objects in the scene. You could then override with a material-based toon effect on a per-object basis, if needed. The same could also be achieved with the Render Geometry Settings LOP for a collection of primitives.

              Best regards!

