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[HOU-2485] pheonixFDfoam

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  • [HOU-2485] pheonixFDfoam

    Im just curious if those shaders are specifically for phoenix or they could be ported to vray

  • #2
    They can be ported. We had some issues the last time we tried and abandoned the effort.

    Would you mind sharing what are your use cases for those so I can check if things will work well ?

    Best regards!


    • #3
      For whitewater with water sims. Always curious if this would help with closeups


      • #4
        I saw that the foam shader appeared and i couldn't hold myself from trying it!

        It is an awesome feature even if some things are not fixed yet like render geometry but most things seem to work fine

        I hope its ok that i already write some feature requests:

        1. an id attribute. Most of my usecases are probably going to be simmed closeup foam and the pointnumber(ptnum) can change so we mostly use the @id attribute that comes out from the solver so things wont jitter like size variation.

        2. userColor into the colormap. Not as important as id but nice to have

        Regards Alexis

        Click image for larger version

Name:	foam.png
Views:	317
Size:	399.3 KB
ID:	1101530

        Click image for larger version

Name:	foam_viewport.png
Views:	461
Size:	681.3 KB
ID:	1101532Click image for larger version

Name:	foam_userColor.png
Views:	503
Size:	13.5 KB
ID:	1101529
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Hello LeoYfver

          Originally posted by LeoYfver View Post
          1. an id attribute. Most of my usecases are probably going to be simmed closeup foam and the pointnumber(ptnum) can change so we mostly use the @id attribute that comes out from the solver so things wont jitter like size variation.
          as a workaround you could generate @pscale from @id. Is this work for you ?

          Originally posted by LeoYfver View Post
          2. userColor into the colormap. Not as important as id but nice to have
          I've reported that one. [ HOU-2458 ]
          Georgy Chakarov | QA


          • #6
            chakarov yes it works, just nice to have the control in later stage. As a lighter i dont always have the possibility to change the pscale.



            • #7
              Originally posted by LeoYfver View Post
              I saw that the foam shader appeared and i couldn't hold myself from trying it!

              It is an awesome feature even if some things are not fixed yet like render geometry but most things seem to work fine

              I hope its ok that i already write some feature requests:

              1. an id attribute. Most of my usecases are probably going to be simmed closeup foam and the pointnumber(ptnum) can change so we mostly use the @id attribute that comes out from the solver so things wont jitter like size variation.

              2. userColor into the colormap. Not as important as id but nice to have

              Regards Alexis

              Click image for larger version

Name:	foam.png
Views:	317
Size:	399.3 KB
ID:	1101530

              Click image for larger version

Name:	foam_viewport.png
Views:	461
Size:	681.3 KB
ID:	1101532Click image for larger version

Name:	foam_userColor.png
Views:	503
Size:	13.5 KB
ID:	1101529
              Was this render done in Houdini? If so, can you please share the process that you used to achieve this?
              Is there certain attributes I am missing other than the ones the whitewater solver in houdini gives?

              I am using the nightly build from 8/02/22.


              • #8
                Hello suraj_agarwal ,

                We should definitely updated the UI and add cutter object support.
                If you're having results below what you deem acceptable, with adequate lighting, please make sure the Bounces parameter under the Particle Settings tab is set to a value greater than 0. If I had to guess what the issue with your renders might be - this would be my first stop.

                Best regards!

