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Object ID inside SOP

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  • Object ID inside SOP

    I've got some questions about generating mattes in Houdini 19.0.455 / V-Ray 5.20.02:

    Would it be possible to assign OBJ ID to specific parts/nodes inside a SOP context? I suspect through an attribute or group selection?
    Maybe I am missing something but it looks like the only way to do that is through 'V-Ray Object Properties', which is a bit too general. Something more granular would be great, similar to the 'VRay_MtlMaterialID' node inside the MAT context

    Would it be possible to base the object selection in the ObjectSelect render element on a node path/name rather than OBJ ID (just as it is inside the V-Ray Rop under 'Render Mask/Objects'?
    Currently it's more like Object_ID_Select, rather than Object_Select

    Why is it that ObjectID and RenderID are not being AA filtered, whereas MultiMattes, CrypoMatte and ObjectSelect are?

  • #2
    I would like that too, that and more. Would be great to set even more parameters from the object properties via primitive attributes.

    Best, David.
    David Anastácio // Accenture Song - VFX


    • #3
      Hello guys, unfortunately there is no way to specify object ID inside SOP. But I prepared an example of how you could use "string" attribute in combination with V-Ray PatternID and V-Ray Random to get similar result.
      Check if this is useful for you.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	ObjectIDinsideSOP.png
Views:	498
Size:	853.4 KB
ID:	1134832
      Attached Files
      Georgy Chakarov | QA


      • #4
        Thanks Georgy! I appreciate that brisk response!

        Based on your tip I ended up with the exact setup I was looking for (see below) and technically it is possible to match it to let's say 3ds Max behavior. (connectivity sop is only for the demonstration purposes)
        Would be great to see it as default nodes one day both in the ROP and SOP contexts but for now we're just gonna go with a couple of HDAs.

        Attached Files
        Last edited by mateusz_sum; 22-12-2021, 05:01 PM.

