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Light Blockers!

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  • Light Blockers!

    I would LOVE to have built-in light blockers, like what Arnold does. With a fall off and opacity level, box shapes, spheres, tubes, and custom geo shapes. This would be SOOO nice right now on a project I'm currently on.

  • #2
    Originally posted by anthonyvfx View Post
    I would LOVE to have built-in light blockers, like what Arnold does. With a fall off and opacity level, box shapes, spheres, tubes, and custom geo shapes. This would be SOOO nice right now on a project I'm currently on.
    HI Anthony,

    Would this help? You don't have custom shapes, but you can use any texture.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	light_texture_2.gif
Views:	389
Size:	1.51 MB
ID:	1157642

    David Anastácio // Accenture Song - VFX


    • #3
      Originally posted by david.anastacio View Post

      HI Anthony,

      Would this help? You don't have custom shapes, but you can use any texture.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	light_texture_2.gif
Views:	389
Size:	1.51 MB
ID:	1157642

      I think this is fantastic for gobo work, and I'd love a higher res gif of how you're setting this up, cause that's really cool and useful is that just the vray softbox applied to the light's texture? For me, the light blockers I'd love to have are bounding boxes that just tell lights to ignore that area, and you increase or decrease the transparency/falloff of that box and the lights being told to ignore it. Currently, anything I do right now, putting cards around to block the lights, or even textures (sort of like above, except that texture vray softbox, has way more control) to try and block the lights, but they still affect and cast weird shadows even when I have cast shadows turned off. I don't know how best to explain it, Arnold's light blockers are extremely powerful, and I used them all the time when working at studios that used Arnold. I miss that sort of control. I think vray users could greatly benefit from it.


      • #4
        HI anthonyvfx,

        Unfortunately the size limit for each attachment is only 2mb, so the GIFs have to be quite small to fit in that size.

        Here's the setup:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	light_gobo_1.JPG
Views:	488
Size:	82.7 KB
ID:	1158384

        V-Ray softbox:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	light_gobo_2.JPG
Views:	492
Size:	108.3 KB
ID:	1158385

        To see the texture clearly make sure your lights rays are parallel, if you don't do that the light and shadows are going to be very soft (I'm sliding the Directional parameter in the light):
        Click image for larger version

Name:	light_directionality_1.gif
Views:	396
Size:	1.22 MB
ID:	1158383

        Keep in mind that you can link anything from the V-Ray procedural textures via the operator path method, or you can just link any texture directly.

        David Anastácio // Accenture Song - VFX

