V-Ray Next, Beta 3 is now available for download!
Here is a list of the highlights in this release:
- NVIDIA AI denoiser in Viewport IPR - The NVIDIA AI denoiser can now be used when rendering with V-Ray Viewport IPR
- Debug shading/Isolate selected - Allows you to quickly isolate selected textures, materials and geometry objects to help debug large shading networks in IPR. It's available with IPR in the VFB and with Viewport IPR.
- GPU bucket rendering - Adds support for Cryptomatte render elements.
- V-Ray Layered Texture - A new node for layering textures with blend modes and individual masking controls.
The full change log is below:
New features:
(*) V-Ray: Debug shading and isolate selected in the V-Ray VFB and Viewport IPR;
(*) V-Ray: New Layered texture with blend modes;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Bucket rendering support;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Added support for cryptomatte for GPU bucket rendering;
(*) V-Ray GPU: New faster algorithm for sampling fog;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Added support for Denoising in Viewport IPR;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Buttons in the viewport to control V-Ray Viewport IPR;
(*) V-Ray: Playblast with Viewport IPR from the V-Ray menu;
(*) VFB: Now showing a progress bar in the VFB;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Support for changing the camera without a manual restart;
(*) V-Ray IPR/GPU: Optimized moving large geometry meshes in GPU IPR;
(*) V-Ray GPU: VRayAlSurface support on GPU;
(*) V-Ray: Added option to transfer auto exposure and white balance settings to cameras;
(*) VRayToonMtl: Added mask edges texture for direct edge control;
Modified features:
(*) VFB: Improved responsiveness in IPR when using denoising;
(*) V-Ray IPR: IPR will automatically restart on camera attribute removal;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Optimized plugin cache in IPR;
(*) VRayProxy: Add an option to not create a VRayMeshMaterial in the vrayCreateProxy command;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Reduced displacement memory usage on meshes with multiple materials;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Changed noise threshold change messages in the log to be more understandable;
(*) V-Ray Cloud: The "Each frame in separate file" option will no longer cause incomplete submissions;
(*) V-Ray Cloud: The "Render animation only in batch mode" option will work for cloud as well as batch rendering;
(*) V-Ray Cloud: The "Disable region render in batch" option will work for cloud as well as batch rendering;
Bug fixes:
(*) VRayTriplanar: Fixed blurry triplanar with increased object scale;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Fixed Objects under animated group or another parent object not refreshing in IPR;
(*) VRayProxy: Fixed Proxies randomly failing to render with Maya 2018.4;
(*) VRayClipper: Fixed clipped geometry not visible through refractive material;
(*) VFB: Fixed buckets in VFB moving bit visually while rendering;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Kernel building was not reported in the progress bar;
(*) V-Ray IPR/VRayLensEffects: Fixed Maya crash when using Lens effects in IPR;
(*) V-Ray: Fixed Embree using a single thread to build meshes in specific cases;
(*) VRayScene: Fixed Instancer not showing in the viewport;
(*) VRayScene: Light select for lights inside the vrscene;
(*) V-Ray: Fixed error with the V-Ray menu in Maya 2015;
(*) V-Ray: Fixed error when hiding the VFB window while rendering;
(*) Viewport 2.0: FastSSS2 is displayed black in the viewport;
(*) V-Ray IPR/VRayFur: Fixed updates for hiding and unhiding fur objects;
(*) V-Ray IPR/VRayMtl: Detect changing the "self-illumination GI" option;
(*) VRayHairNextMtl: Fixed 'glint variation' incorrect limits;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed crash with view dependent displacement and orthographic cameras;
(*) V-Ray: Fixed V-Ray shelf is not loading in Maya zip installations;
(*) VRay2sidedMtl: Fixed invalid colors with nested two-sided materials;
Feedback is welcome on the dedicated beta forum section:
Best regards,
Alex Yolov
Here is a list of the highlights in this release:
- NVIDIA AI denoiser in Viewport IPR - The NVIDIA AI denoiser can now be used when rendering with V-Ray Viewport IPR
- Debug shading/Isolate selected - Allows you to quickly isolate selected textures, materials and geometry objects to help debug large shading networks in IPR. It's available with IPR in the VFB and with Viewport IPR.
- GPU bucket rendering - Adds support for Cryptomatte render elements.
- V-Ray Layered Texture - A new node for layering textures with blend modes and individual masking controls.
The full change log is below:
New features:
(*) V-Ray: Debug shading and isolate selected in the V-Ray VFB and Viewport IPR;
(*) V-Ray: New Layered texture with blend modes;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Bucket rendering support;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Added support for cryptomatte for GPU bucket rendering;
(*) V-Ray GPU: New faster algorithm for sampling fog;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Added support for Denoising in Viewport IPR;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Buttons in the viewport to control V-Ray Viewport IPR;
(*) V-Ray: Playblast with Viewport IPR from the V-Ray menu;
(*) VFB: Now showing a progress bar in the VFB;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Support for changing the camera without a manual restart;
(*) V-Ray IPR/GPU: Optimized moving large geometry meshes in GPU IPR;
(*) V-Ray GPU: VRayAlSurface support on GPU;
(*) V-Ray: Added option to transfer auto exposure and white balance settings to cameras;
(*) VRayToonMtl: Added mask edges texture for direct edge control;
Modified features:
(*) VFB: Improved responsiveness in IPR when using denoising;
(*) V-Ray IPR: IPR will automatically restart on camera attribute removal;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Optimized plugin cache in IPR;
(*) VRayProxy: Add an option to not create a VRayMeshMaterial in the vrayCreateProxy command;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Reduced displacement memory usage on meshes with multiple materials;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Changed noise threshold change messages in the log to be more understandable;
(*) V-Ray Cloud: The "Each frame in separate file" option will no longer cause incomplete submissions;
(*) V-Ray Cloud: The "Render animation only in batch mode" option will work for cloud as well as batch rendering;
(*) V-Ray Cloud: The "Disable region render in batch" option will work for cloud as well as batch rendering;
Bug fixes:
(*) VRayTriplanar: Fixed blurry triplanar with increased object scale;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Fixed Objects under animated group or another parent object not refreshing in IPR;
(*) VRayProxy: Fixed Proxies randomly failing to render with Maya 2018.4;
(*) VRayClipper: Fixed clipped geometry not visible through refractive material;
(*) VFB: Fixed buckets in VFB moving bit visually while rendering;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Kernel building was not reported in the progress bar;
(*) V-Ray IPR/VRayLensEffects: Fixed Maya crash when using Lens effects in IPR;
(*) V-Ray: Fixed Embree using a single thread to build meshes in specific cases;
(*) VRayScene: Fixed Instancer not showing in the viewport;
(*) VRayScene: Light select for lights inside the vrscene;
(*) V-Ray: Fixed error with the V-Ray menu in Maya 2015;
(*) V-Ray: Fixed error when hiding the VFB window while rendering;
(*) Viewport 2.0: FastSSS2 is displayed black in the viewport;
(*) V-Ray IPR/VRayFur: Fixed updates for hiding and unhiding fur objects;
(*) V-Ray IPR/VRayMtl: Detect changing the "self-illumination GI" option;
(*) VRayHairNextMtl: Fixed 'glint variation' incorrect limits;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed crash with view dependent displacement and orthographic cameras;
(*) V-Ray: Fixed V-Ray shelf is not loading in Maya zip installations;
(*) VRay2sidedMtl: Fixed invalid colors with nested two-sided materials;
Feedback is welcome on the dedicated beta forum section:
Best regards,
Alex Yolov