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V-Ray 5 for Maya, update 1 now available

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  • V-Ray 5 for Maya, update 1 now available

    We have just released update 1 of V-Ray 5 for Maya and the builds are available for download on our website.

    V-Ray 5, update 1 is compatible with Autodesk Maya 2022, includes initial support for Pixar's USD format and integrates the V-Ray Material Library, among many other new features and improvements.

    This update is free for all V-Ray 5 users.

    (*) Support for Autodesk Maya 2022
    (*) Initial support for USD
    (*) Integrated V-Ray Material library with render-ready textured materials
    (*) VFB layer masking based on Cryptomatte, integer and color render elements
    (*) New progressive caustics
    (*) VRayMtl improvements: New translucency modes and thin-walled refractions
    (*) VRayEnvironmentFog colored transparency
    (*) Light cache calculated on GPU for V-Ray GPU
    (*) V-Ray GPU out-of-core rendering improvements
    (*) Changing Light Path Expression now updates in IPR
    (*) Cryptomatte now works with progressive rendering
    (*) Integrated the Intel Open Image Denoiser
    (*) Added an Opacity Cutout conversion tool

    Note that the installation layout has changed with this update. Refer to our documentation for the environment setup for .zip builds.

    The V-Ray for Maya team

    The full change log is below.

    New features:
    (*) V-Ray: Cryptomatte in progressive;
    (*) V-Ray: V-Ray Material Library in Maya;
    (*) V-Ray: Progressive caustics mode;
    (*) V-Ray: Maya 2022 support;
    (*) VRayEnvironmentFog: Environment Fog colored transparency;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Initial support for rendering USD files through VRayScene and Maya USD Proxy;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Initial support for in-memory rendering USD stages in Maya;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Support for animated and deforming mesh geometry animation with motion blur;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Support for V-Ray displacement from USD;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Support for V-Ray shaders encoded in USD;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Support for USDPreviewSurface;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Export V-Ray materials and shaders to USD;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Export displacement from shading group to USD;
    (*) V-Ray: New Opacity cutout command;
    (*) V-Ray/GPU: Light cache calculated on GPU;
    (*) VRayMtl: New translucency modes for VRayMtl (based on VRayScatterVolume);
    (*) VRayMtl: Thin-walled refraction option;
    (*) VFB: VRayStandalone with VFB2 support;
    (*) VFB: Now possible to change or remove VFB2 shortcuts;
    (*) VFB: Layers masking based on Cryptomatte, integer and color render elements data;
    (*) VFB: Added stamp layer support;
    (*) VFB: Custom White Balance support for color picker and tint;
    (*) VFB: Support for animated sequences for Background layer using <frameNum> tag;
    (*) VFB: Added an option to bake the RGB primaries conversion;
    (*) VFB: Added horizontal/vertical offset for Background layer;
    (*) VFB: Image Info for the history images;
    (*) VFB: Added the frame number to the VFB History image info overlay;
    (*) VFB: Save color corrections to a LUT file;
    (*) LPE: Changing light path expression now updates in IPR;
    (*) V-Ray Material Library: Added drag-n-drop support into the Maya viewport;
    (*) V-Ray: Added an option to switch between world units and pixels as photon lookup radius for the caustics photon map;
    (*) V-Ray/vdenoise: Integrated Intel Open Image Denoiser;
    (*) V-Ray/vdenoise: Added an option to select denoiser engine for IPR;
    (*) VRayRectLight, VRayMeshLight, VRayLightSphere: Added "Occlude other lights" option for V-Ray lights;
    (*) VRayProxy: Created vrayImportVRmeshGeom command to import proxies as Maya geometry;
    (*) V-Ray/VRayProxy: Added a filter for searching VRayProxy hierarchy;
    (*) V-Ray/VRayProxy: Added import/export of VRayProxy material rules;
    (*) VRaySun/V-Ray GPU: Added support for blending the sun with the horizon with the Improved sky model;
    (*) VRayPluginNodeMtl: Support for float textures;
    (*) Material importer: Add support for importing float texture opacity map;
    (*) Material importer: Add support for importing blend_method parameter of TexTriPlanar;
    (*) Material importer: Add support for importing TexNormalBump;
    (*) Material importer: Add V-Ray extra attribute for filter blur to the file node;
    (*) Material importer: Add support for importing "out_intensity" and "out_alpha" texture output parameters;
    (*) Material importer: Add support for importing plugin node float textures;
    (*) Material importer: Add option to disable Maya-style alpha detection on file textures;
    (*) Material importer: Material importer support for bitmap extra V-Ray attributes;
    (*) Material importer: Support for VRayUVWRandomizer in material importer;
    (*) Material importer: Added .vrmat support in material importer;
    (*) Viewport 2.0, Material importer: Add support for the ColorCorrection plugin as a Maya node;
    (*) Improvement - Viewport 2.0, VRayPluginNodeMtl: Passthrough viewport preview for some PluginNode textures;
    (*) V-Ray: Now exporting pivot and parent transforms information in vrscene files for Vantage and V-Ray for Unreal;
    (*) V-Ray/VFB2: Added buttons for the R, G and B channels to the VFB2 toolbar;
    (*) V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Added support for tiled textures with large amount of tiles on V-Ray GPU;
    (*) V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Rounded corners support with Out-Of-Core geometry
    (*) V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Support for VRayDirt and VRayCurvature with Out-Of-Core geometry
    (*) V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Support for VRayFastSSS2 with Out-Of-Core geometry
    (*) V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Support for VRayALSurfaceMtl with Out-Of-Core geometry
    (*) V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Support for VRayClipper with Out-Of-Core geometry
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Added support for normal maps in world space;
    (*) VRayMultiSubTex: Added random by scene name to MultiSubTex;
    (*) Viewport 2.0: Added support for sheen and coat in Viewport 2.0;
    (*) Viewport 2.0: VRayLayeredTex basic viewport preview;

    Modified features:
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Optimized CUDA CPU performance;
    (*) V-Ray: Move all V-Ray dll/so files to V-Ray's bin folder;
    (*) V-Ray: Dropped support for Maya 2017;
    (*) Improvement - V-Ray: Removed the auto scale buckets option;
    (*) VFB: Remember the last used location and format when saving an image from the VFB;
    (*) VFB: Keep VFB2 window in front/on top of Autodesk Maya;
    (*) VRayDirt: Added a multiplier for the radius in VRayDirt;
    (*) VRayMeshLight: Made VRayLightMesh available in Maya light editor;
    (*) VRayTriplanar Replaced the "scale" parameter of the VRayTriplanar texture with "size" dependent on the scene units;
    (*) V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Improved volume intersection & shading;
    (*) V-Ray: Material labels now work consistently with layered materials;
    (*) XGen: Deprecated the legacy XGen vrscene exporter;
    (*) Material importer: Load the lookdevKit if it is not loaded when importing a material;
    (*) Material importer: Import TexLayeredMax to native node;
    (*) Material importer: Native import for most used nodes;
    (*) Material importer: Deduplicate identical shading graph parts;
    (*) Material importer: Import VRayLayeredTex from VRayScene as a native Maya node;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: VRayLightMaterial is not exported to USD;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Render animated USD list attributes;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Render USD with multi material geometry exported from Maya;
    (*) V-Ray: Support new texture colorspace in Maya 2022;
    (*) V-Ray: Calling the V-Ray Material Library browser when it already exists should bring the window to front;
    (*) Chaos Cloud: Vrscene packing should now relies on cloud client file naming;
    (*) V-Ray: Faster initialization of meshes with static 3D displacement in Standalone;
    (*) V-Ray: Failing to write to output image folder should be an error;
    (*) V-Ray: Now ignoring "Don't save image" option when submitting to Chaos Cloud;
    (*) V-Ray/VRayProxy: Undo support for proxy material overrides;
    (*) VRayCarPaint2Mtl/VRayFlakes2Mtl: Proper UI for Flake Random Color and Flake Scale Triplanar in Carpaint2/Flakes2;
    (*) V-Ray: Allow arbitrary values for the motion blur's interval center parameter;
    (*) V-Ray: Mixed filtering option for ZDepth;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Changed the default min/max subdivs values for V-Ray GPU Bucket rendering;
    (*) V-Ray: Don't include the GPU stats when copying to clipboard from the VFB;
    (*) V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Added the IPR performance statistics to the VFB 2 Stats panel;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Support for back side material IDs;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Optimized IPR scene updates with OptiX;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Implemented displacement in world space;
    (*) V-Ray GPU/VRayDirt: Add support for dirt and curvature attached to extra tex when OOC geometry is enabled;
    (*) V-Ray: ExtraTex should no longer affect sampling by default;
    (*) V-Ray: Network assets will be used when local caching fails;
    Alex Yolov
    Product Manager
    V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player

  • #2
    Bug fixes:
    (*) Material importer: Fixed empty UVWGen warning on importing Float textures;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed VFB History loading very slowly when OCIO configuration is used for display;
    (*) V-Ray: Crash when rendering empty USD layer;
    (*) V-Ray: Different color space in USD file with bitmap for VRayMultiSubTex and VRayLayeredTex;
    (*) V-Ray: Wrong result from vfbControl when Display Correction is None;
    (*) V-Ray: Crash rendering USD file with VRayBlendMtl;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed random artefacts on USD materials;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed VRayUpdateAE error when selecting nodes from USD hierarchy in the outliner;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed Dark coat over refractive VRayMtl;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed color management configuration not working in 2022;
    (*) V-Ray/IPR: Fixed IPR not refreshing when manipulating MASH on instancer mode;
    (*) VRayProxy: Fixed the option for "Assign shaders by name" in VRayMeshMtl not working properly;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed render settings startup JSON presets not working;
    (*) VFB: Fixed error when opening VFB2 for the first time;
    (*) V-Ray GPU/VRayBlendMtl: Fixed fireflies in additive mode with multiple coat layers;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Fixed support for in-memory rendering USD stages in Maya;
    (*) V-Ray/USD: Fixed <UDIM> tags not working;
    (*) VRayMtl: Fixed wrong render with thin-walled refraction option;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed slower rendering and excessive memory usage with user attributes as bitmap tags;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed slow carpaint2 and flakes2 swatch rendering;
    (*) V-Ray: The UVWGenRandomizer should not transform the UVs in any way when mode 0 is selected;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed slow GPU LC preview when moving the scene in IPR;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: V-Ray GPU fails to load and render tiles texture with Mudbox filename format with lowercase $u and $v;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed Light select and GPU light cache not rendering correctly;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed error building Embree voxel tree when "Conserve memory" is enabled in certain scenes;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed Deadlock when building image planes for MipMap buffers;
    (*) Material importer: Fixed importing UVWGenObject when connected to auto generated VRayPluginNodeTex;
    (*) Material importer: Fixed Material importer flaw for materials with embedded bump attributes;
    (*) Material importer: Fixed importing the "gtr_gamma" attribute in the BRDFVRayMtl plugin;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed output EXR and VRIMG files being written with the wrong group permissions on Linux;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed scenes containing OSL shaders saved with V-Ray older than 5 giving an error;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed difference between glossy and mirror caustic reflections from metallic surfaces;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed Slow rendering with duplicated textures;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed difference in DOF between in DR vs local;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed Custom Color render element not working for alpha;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed VRayCarPaintMtl2 coat IOR <1 not consistent in V-Ray and V-Ray GPU;
    (*) V-Ray: Viewport IPR: Fixed resizing Maya window changing camera zoom, depending on camera scale;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed crash with corrupted PNG files;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed Intel Open Image Denoise producing artefacts in the alpha;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed crash with Instancer and Velocity RE;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed wrong VRayMtl normal map in tangent space;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed Incorrect LPE light selects with light cache (CPU);
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed OSL error with UNC include paths;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed create Render Node window remaining on top when creating VRaySphereFade;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed different TexRandom by face index between Windows and Linux/OSX;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed open map with Irradiance Map Viewer not working;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed memory leak when rendering vrscene which has been exported with VFB2;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed scene with alembic hair and motion blur hangs on compile geometry phase;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed crash with GPU Light cache from file on second render;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed GPU Memory leaks after IPR updates when there is capraint2 material in the scene;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed crash with RTX when deleting a map in VRayDisplacementMod during V-Ray GPU IPR;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed texture on objects with normal displacement appearing smudged in GPU production renders with on-demand mipmapping;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed specific opacity texture is often rendered incorrectly on GPU when mipmapped;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed unhandled exception with V-Ray GPU IPR;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed crash with Dome light, cpu light cache and bucket sampler;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed darker GI with matte objects when matte for refl/refr is off;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed artifacts when changing the region in IPR and using Adaptive lights;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Black artefacts on objects with mipmapped hi-res textures;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed empty buckets with Hybrid rendering and LPE;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed Matte is not working correctly with shadow linking;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed RTX producing fireflies with specific scene;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed crash on consecutive rendering with VRayClipper and VRayTriplanarTex;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed consecutive SunLight updates crashing interactive CUDA renders;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed crash with 32k textures in full size mode;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed UVWGenChannel use_double_sided_mode option ignored by the GPU engine;
    (*) VRayCarPaintMtl: Fixed crash with VRayCarPaintMtl with flake size 0;
    (*) Viewport 2.0: Fixed V-Ray lights are not hidden in the viewport after being set to be hidden;
    (*) VRayPluginNodeMtl: Fixed list items with defaults in VRayPluginNode disappearing after saving to Maya scene;
    (*) VRayProxy: Fixed animated alembic not caching the animation with the new proxy;
    (*) VRayProxy: Fixed VRayProxy not packaged in a Maya archive;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed crash when using vrmesh file with more than 16 material and UV maps;
    (*) V-Ray: Fixed wrong VRayDirt render when another node passes a value to textured parameter;
    (*) VRayStochasticFlakesMtl: Fixed Carpaint2 and Flakes2 crash when updating material swatches;
    (*) Viewport 2.0: Fixed environment reflection viewport preview;
    (*) Viewport 2.0: A hidden dome light no longer visible in viewport reflections;
    (*) vrimg2exr: Fixed vrimg2exr crashing in GUI mode on Linux when overwriting an existing file;
    Alex Yolov
    Product Manager
    V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player

