Hi, edit: sample scene attached. Render comparison attached.

Is it possible to recreate the result of a VrayAlSurface from blending two or three VrayMtl?
For example, in a simple case where the VrayAlSurface has gray diffuse and one reflection lobe, no SSS, no bump.
Diffuse Color: 0.5
Diffuse Strength: 1.0
Reflection 1 Color: 1.0
Reflection 1 strength: 1.0
Reflection 1 roughness: 0.35
Reflection 1 IOR: 1.4
Reflection 1 distribution: GGX
I tried to recreate it by using two VrayMtls and blend them in VrayBlendMtl in additive mode.
Base Material: VrayMtl 1 (the diffuse component)
Diffuse Color: 0.5
Amount: 1.0
Reflection color: 0
Coat Materil 0: VrayMtl 2 (the reflection 1 component). Additive mode. Blend Amount 1.
Diffuse Amount: 0
Brdf type: GGX
reflection color: 1.0
reflection amount: 1.0
reflection roughness: 0.35
Glossy fresnel: on
Fresnel IOR: 1.4
GGX tail falloff: 2
metalness: 0
The results I got are different between the two. Mostly in reflection closer to the glancing angles.
Why do they differ? Also,
Maya 2018.2, Vray 4.03.04 build 28563)
Is it possible to recreate the result of a VrayAlSurface from blending two or three VrayMtl?
For example, in a simple case where the VrayAlSurface has gray diffuse and one reflection lobe, no SSS, no bump.
Diffuse Color: 0.5
Diffuse Strength: 1.0
Reflection 1 Color: 1.0
Reflection 1 strength: 1.0
Reflection 1 roughness: 0.35
Reflection 1 IOR: 1.4
Reflection 1 distribution: GGX
I tried to recreate it by using two VrayMtls and blend them in VrayBlendMtl in additive mode.
Base Material: VrayMtl 1 (the diffuse component)
Diffuse Color: 0.5
Amount: 1.0
Reflection color: 0
Coat Materil 0: VrayMtl 2 (the reflection 1 component). Additive mode. Blend Amount 1.
Diffuse Amount: 0
Brdf type: GGX
reflection color: 1.0
reflection amount: 1.0
reflection roughness: 0.35
Glossy fresnel: on
Fresnel IOR: 1.4
GGX tail falloff: 2
metalness: 0
The results I got are different between the two. Mostly in reflection closer to the glancing angles.
Why do they differ? Also,
Maya 2018.2, Vray 4.03.04 build 28563)