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Camera select in VRscene export

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  • Camera select in VRscene export

    Hi folks.

    So how do you select which camera to look through when importing a vrscene?
    We have exported a 3dsMax scene as vrscene and imported into Maya but as the whole scene is one object how do you select to look through the rendercam?

  • #2
    I would like to note that with importing .vrscene file in Maya you are transferring lights, entire assets with their textures and materials and animations. You cannot export cameras with the .vrscene file and import them in Maya.

    I suggest exporting the cameras from 3dsMax separately as alembic file and then import them into Maya.
    Nikolay Kusht |
    Team Lead, 3D Support | contact us


    • #3
      Tried the Alembic export but this does not render, only get an error. We need to match the original camera as in the max scene.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Just export the camera from 3ds max as an fbx file and import into maya.


        • #5
          Tried that! All you get in maya is an empty group node.


          • #6
            Hmm, I'm sure that at some point I was able to transfer cameras between max and maya using fbx. If your max and maya versions are the same (for example 201 doesn't it work with a simple 'send to' ? It actually does an fbx transfer. Maybe there's some options to the fbx export in max that need to be enabled.
            Alex Yolov
            Product Manager
            V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


            • #7
              This is the imported FBX camera in Maya.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Have you tried exporting the camera to alembic from max and importing it into maya? It seems to work for standard cameras.
                Alex Yolov
                Product Manager
                V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


                • #9
                  It was a VRay Physical camera we were trying to move across, is there a way to convert the V cam to a standard Max cam?


                  • #10
                    We can't do this for vray physical cameras right now. I'm guessing you'll need the camera parameters in place too, not only the camera position etc?
                    How often do you need to transfer vray physical cameras between different applications?
                    Alex Yolov
                    Product Manager
                    V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


                    • #11
                      Its not a regular thing its just that the client wanted to have the same camera view as the samples we sent. Even copying over the settings with Max on one screen and Maya on the other we couldnt get a match, had to match from scratch!!


                      • #12
                        Hmm that doesn't sound right. Do you know if there was a difference between your world up coordinate? Maya is default Y up but I think Max might be Z up so wondering if that is having an issue and you need to rotate the world.

                        I see when you bring in the camera that your groups are empty so it looks like you have a camera with aim in Max. I think you will be safer to just bake out the camera keyframes in max and export that (so it is not reliant on the aim)

                        I do not have max here to test but this is what I would do if I had a camera with aim in maya and wanted to get that camera to another application that was having issues importing it.

                        Create a new camera (with no aim), copy specific camera settings to your new camera that you might have on original camera (focal length). Parent constrain the new camera to your animated one. Bake the new camera to keyframes. Delete the constraint and now you should see the new camera matches the original one.

                        Select the new camera and export selected to fbx. Import fbx to maya and you should see the camera.



