I'm finishing a render checklist that runs and finds common mistakes before someone submits to our farm.
One particular thing I look for is the sRGB checkbox being turned on in the in the Vray framebuffer, as it sometimes bakes in an extra level of gamma someone may not expect if they accidentally leave it on.
Almost every other attribute I can find an easy switch for in the Vray Settings node, and I believe I found the switch that controls the saved frame buffer settings under the vraysettings.vfbSA attribute.
The tough part is the values seem to be stored in an array that looks like this [1018L, 17L, 378L, 256L, 1178L, 628L, 378L, 256L, 810L, 500L, -1073626047L, and so on..
I've noticed that the 10th entry, which looks something like -1073724415, will either add or subtract 64 if the frame buffer is turned on/off, but this number is slightly different for every scene and I can't seem to predict it enough to code a reliable check for it.
I'm using Vray 3.6.04 with Maya 2018r5 for reference.
Any ideas?
I'm finishing a render checklist that runs and finds common mistakes before someone submits to our farm.
One particular thing I look for is the sRGB checkbox being turned on in the in the Vray framebuffer, as it sometimes bakes in an extra level of gamma someone may not expect if they accidentally leave it on.
Almost every other attribute I can find an easy switch for in the Vray Settings node, and I believe I found the switch that controls the saved frame buffer settings under the vraysettings.vfbSA attribute.
The tough part is the values seem to be stored in an array that looks like this [1018L, 17L, 378L, 256L, 1178L, 628L, 378L, 256L, 810L, 500L, -1073626047L, and so on..
I've noticed that the 10th entry, which looks something like -1073724415, will either add or subtract 64 if the frame buffer is turned on/off, but this number is slightly different for every scene and I can't seem to predict it enough to code a reliable check for it.
I'm using Vray 3.6.04 with Maya 2018r5 for reference.
Any ideas?