We are working at very high resolutions. We are tiling (mayabatch) with Deadline managing the slaves. If an artist forgets to turn VFB off when they submit, VRay can eat up 200GB RAM or more, bringing farm to a crawl. Is there a way to turn off VFB permanently on the slave machines?
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Permanently disable VFB on slaves?
There's a `about -batch` MEL command in Maya that returns 0 or 1 if Maya is running in batch or GUI respectively.
So in this case a simple pre-render MEL should do the trick, where we can query for batch mode and set the opposite value to the memory buffer. In other words, if batch is 0, then memory buffer should be 1 and vice-versa.
int $isBatch = `about -batch`;
setAttr vraySettings.memoryFrameBuffer (!$isBatch);
Querying UI elements to do this will only work in GUI mode, it's not possible in batch mode in Maya, as there is no GUI
We have written you an email regarding this with more details.