Hello everyone,
Back on the boards for some knowledge and wanted to pick you guy's and gals brains. Currently working on a project with a team member but we are using different programs. I am on Maya 2018 + Vray 3.6 and he is using the latest version of Modo. He will be getting Vray very soon and I was wondering if anyone had a workflow or suggestions on how to transfer scenes between both platforms if we are both using Vray. Can I export .vrscenes from Maya and import into Modo? Will all my stuff transfer over to his Modo scenes so he can make additional changes and tweaks if he needs to.
Any knowledge on this would be great.
Back on the boards for some knowledge and wanted to pick you guy's and gals brains. Currently working on a project with a team member but we are using different programs. I am on Maya 2018 + Vray 3.6 and he is using the latest version of Modo. He will be getting Vray very soon and I was wondering if anyone had a workflow or suggestions on how to transfer scenes between both platforms if we are both using Vray. Can I export .vrscenes from Maya and import into Modo? Will all my stuff transfer over to his Modo scenes so he can make additional changes and tweaks if he needs to.
Any knowledge on this would be great.