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Render setting noise in Next

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  • Render setting noise in Next

    I'm a little stumped when it come to the new render workflows of the newer versions of Vray and want to double check myself and see what the consensus is. I've been using Vray for quite a while now professionally, where I work, our production build is currently Vray 3.6 for Maya and Max. We mostly do automotive work. For quite a while I (and my co-workers) are used to doing the whole optimization of Vray for very little noise and good render time. As Vray has been updated I've kept up the same habit and as things like BF got faster, I've made better render settings/presets. This all hinges off of setting the light subdivs and material subdivs to what I've found to be the best for the work I do.

    We have all tried having local subdivs checked off and let Vray control the scene, tweak the threshold and max subdivs but never seems to be as good. One of our products runs off of Vray Next rendering as the back-end but this is the only thing we use that involves Vray Next. We had a few testing machines on the floor because the thought was to push out Next as our production version but hasn't happened yet. A few of us tested out some of the new workflows with all this, the denoiser but still didn't find it to work as well as we thought. I'm back in Next to make a render setting for the product we have and am finding myself back in the same position. It looks promising to watch the release videos put out with all the new additions and improvements to existing stuff. I also see enought on here people and Chaos Group themselves advocating the used of just the defaults where Vray adaptively controls you scene but when I do, I get noisy results in a few passes. Even trying to denoise the REs makes weird areas of noise. I'm used to setting my scene to get pretty clean render passes but I just cannot see how letting Vray control the scene results in noise free renders. I have the Vray 5 trial in Max right now and see you have no control over local subdivs and the only way to get that back is by max script.

    Seems this is the direction Vray is and has been heading in to make it less complex where you shouldn't need to adjust much. I have seen Lele comment many times saying just use the defaults in posts. The passes that still have a good amount of noise are lighting, GI, reflect and spec. I can get a slight improvement in noise level adjusting the threshold and maybe max subdivs but cannot get these clean while using the defaulted render settings. This is in multiple lighting setups, domes, dome with Vray rec lights and studio setups with just rec lights. I love the idea of simplifying it and Vray being smart about how it samples but without the same results, I don't see using Vray that way. And with this being disabled in Vray 5 with no option to control the scene manually, it kind of scares me. I feel like I must be missing something.

    Have you guys experienced the same thing and how have you dealt with it? Or am I completely missing something. Here are a screen caps of what I get. The one with noise id letting Vray control the scene and the cleaned is my regular workflow of setting subdivs.

  • #2
    I am pretty sure things have been optimized, but it needs a denoiser.
    Bobby Parker
    phone: 2188206812

    My current hardware setup:
    • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
    • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
    • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
    • ​Windows 11 Pro


    • #3
      If you are testing scenes that have been created using older versions of Vray and trying to render them using the new workflow, I can tell you that I got very noisy results when doing the same. So you'd want to evaluate whether this is going to work for you by using a scene set up from scratch in Next.


      • #4
        I did try the denoiser and works well on the RGB but I'm finding patches of noise on the render elements, lighting, spec, GI. But maybe to SonyBoys point, starting from scratch will work. I am using data that have been prepped and shaders made in Vray 3.6, not sure if that matters. Maybe I'll just make a simple scene and create the shaders and lights in Next and see what it gets me.


        • #5
          Also, so far as using the denoiser element, make sure you turn Animated Noise Pattern OFF before rendering, and I've had the best results by outputting denoiser render elements only and then using the standalone denoiser to clean things up. This way you can potentially run different denoising intensity on selected passes, by running more than one denoise pass on everything. Note that this can actually add up quite a lot of additional time post-render.


          • #6
            I will have to do some more testing on this but since this post I did try the suggestions here and still seem to not have luck to get perfectly clean like I can when setting subdivs. Where I work they are going to want me to investigate this again so I will step though all this again to make sure I didn't miss anything. Thanks guys.

