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BerconNoise displacement and color

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  • BerconNoise displacement and color


    I'm trying to work with the VRayBerconNoise texture. It took me way too long to realize what the issue was.
    So, I'm using the VRayBerconNoise as a displacement map, in the pictures below, with Worley Voronoi as the noise type.
    Typically when I use displacement maps I also use the same texture to drive the color component of the material.
    The problem is that the VRayBerconNoise texture doesn't seem to "stick" to deformed surfaces when using mapping type XYZ. I want to use that mapping type, because it produces a result without seams. I noticed that when using the texture both as a color map and a displacement map the color didn't correspond to the displaced suface. After way too long I realized that because the surface is changed, due to displacement, the color texture will not look the same as on the non-displaced surface.
    Question: is it not possible to use the VRayBerconNoise as both a color map and a displcement map and have them line up/correspond to each other?
    Could we have a option to generate the color on the surface before it's displaced?
    Also, of course this texture would be a million times more useful if it supported deforming surfaces. A work-around might be to bake the texture, but I'd rather not bake every time I tweak something.
    Please have a look on the pictures below.

  • #2
    The effect is reproducible, although I am not certain it is an issue. Seems to me that displacement manipulates the XYZ object space, hence why the diffuse texture does not line up (displacement is calculated first). I need to confirm this and write back. Mapping through an explicit channel works fine if you're not willing to bake.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hello hermit.crab ,

      Thanks for your reply. Sorry, I wasn't clear, it's an issue in my case. I'm sure there are times when you want it to behave exactly as it does. It would be nice to have the option to calculate displacement after the color is applied.
      Perhaps it's not possible, I thought it was a good suggestion anyway.


      • #4
        You can bypass this behavior. Usually, the technique is to transfer the XYZ coordinates to a UVW channel, which channel is afterward used (in the BerconNoise in your case). In Maya, it is done through the "Transfer attributes" option with a reference mesh.
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Hello guys !!

          this is very interesting!!

          This yes seems like an bug, since it must coincide because the same map is used for the diffuse as for the displacement.

          When we use maps or textures, its yes do coincide with the diffuse channel with the displacement channel. for example the materials PBR.

          so in my opinion maybe it seems that it is a bug!
          Carlos Alvarez Velazquez

          Tutorials about VRay for Maya:


          • #6
            intercard It is not a bug. The displacement (which is calculated first) modifies the world coordinates and the diffuse (using XYZ mapping) are mapped on these new coordinates, hence the lack of alignment. It is solved as written in the previous post.
            Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us

