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support for maya water texture

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  • support for maya water texture

    As far as I can tell Maya's own water texture is not supported in Vray - at least the wave time attribute does not work, so it is useless for animations. Is there any plan to support this? VrayWater does not seem suitable for small, pond-like water surfaces as it creates too much secondary detail.
    Cheers, J

  • #2
    for reference: this is what we are after


    • #3
      Click image for larger version

Name:	oceanShader.jpg
Views:	230
Size:	1.70 MB
ID:	1127183 I can highly recommend the PhoenixFDOceanTexture. You dont need a license for Phoenix but you do have access to the displacement node. Just plug this in to your Shading Groups displacement mat.
      Last edited by stezza; 13-10-2021, 07:03 AM.


      • #4
        I have done that, stezza, but we run into the same 'problem': The texture seems great for large water surfaces but not so much when it comes to replicating the reference. Or, of course, we do something wrong


        • #5
          Hello Guys !!

          I have a question ... Why you dont use any Texture Procedural, example, Noise nodes of Maya or VRay Bercon Noise or if do you want a specific wave try to use a texture with Photoshop or similar.

          Regards and Hugs
          Carlos Alvarez Velazquez

          Tutorials about VRay for Maya:

